On 02.09.2014 14:08, Kevin Smith wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 12:59 PM, edhelas <edhe...@movim.eu> wrote:
>> - This bugtracker have to run with GIT (because the current XMPP repo is on
>> GIT)
> That would be the most convenient thing.

Since when do bugtracker run with git?

Are you talking about how github handles pull requests as issues where
merging those PRs means closing the issue? If so, I'm not aware of any
(open source) bugtracker that is so deeply coupled with a VCS. Let me
know if such a thing exists.

Otherwise I think simple hyperlinking between the web interface of the
VCS (git in this case) and the issues would be sufficient. For example
Smack uses JIRA + Bamboo (a VCS fronted). If a git commit message
contains a JIRA issue key, e.g. SMACK-333, then JIRA will automatically
show the commit revisions as hyperlinks in the issue view. And if you
browse the git repo in bamboo, the issue keys will become click able and
lead to the JIRA issue.

A such a setup would still allow a system where one can send pull
requests (be it via github or gitlab).

- Florian

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