Tue, 2 Sep 2014 09:17:05 +0100
Kevin Smith <ke...@kismith.co.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Cramer, E.R. (Eelco)
> <eelco.cra...@tno.nl> wrote:
> > So it is very well possible to host a service with the same
> > features people love at github.
> There's an assumption running through a lot of posts in this thread
> that moving to a github-like pull request model would be a good thing.
> Our situation is somewhat different to the typical OSS project hosting
> on github. The primary responsibility for XEPs lies with the authors
> (Council might suggest new authors for XEPs where the original authors
> are AWOL, but a) that's rare and b) we don't have a procedure for that
> (about which I'm uncomfortable)), so it's not a case of submitting
> pull requests to a central body and waiting for them to get merged,
> those changes should come from the authors. This complicates 'throw it
> on github, we'll get exposure and patches and the world will be full
> of unicorns and fairies' significantly.

Well, if the procedure is complicated, then it should be simplified to
allow pull requests from different authors.

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