Le lundi 6 novembre 2017, 18:58:15 CET Sam Whited a écrit :
> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: Styling
> Abstract:
> > This specification defines a plain-text formatting syntax for use in
> > exchanging instant messages with simple text styling.
> URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/styling.html
> The Council will decide in the next two weeks whether to accept this
> proposal as an official XEP.
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After a flamewa^W talk on xsf@, we have evocated the fact the formatting 
characteres could be always displayed (with a "MUST" not a "SHOULD"). That 
would make the thing a bit more acceptable to my eyes as we could then safely 
ignore the XEP.

The issue then is escaping characteres, they should be removed.

As an exemple which could lead to big trouble, imagine a shell@ MUC room with 
somebody pasting this code to explain something:

        ls `date +%Y-%m-%d`-*.xml

If some clients remove formating characteres, this would lead to some people 
not seeing the correct command (except if we force to keep formatting 
characters, then it will just be ugly :D ).

I still really dislike the fact that rendering of text body could be different 
accross clients.

On other important point mentionned by jnanar, is that formatting data in text 
could be a really bad thing for accessibility (thing about page readers).

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