Le mardi 7 novembre 2017, 12:57:32 CET Dave Cridland a écrit :
> On 6 November 2017 at 22:58, Goffi <go...@goffi.org> wrote:
> > I still really dislike the fact that rendering of text body could be
> > different accross clients.
> I don't follow why this is a problem, which makes me suspect I'm
> misunderstanding what you mean here.
> Text bodies are already rendered differently across clients, whether
> that's a choice like Gajim made to use *bold* etc, or whether it's
> just font and other issues. Clients already combine multiple
> sequential messages into a single message where they feel like, and
> numerous other choices. Some choose to render ":-)" as a small
> graphical smiling face, others choose not to.
> As as for fonts, etc...
> So I'm assuming you cannot mean visual style - in which case, I'm
> somewhat lost as to what you do actually mean?
> Dave.
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Hi Dave,

my main concern about different rendering are the formatting characteres which 
can or cannot be removed depending on the client, and in this case the content 
changes which is a big problem (cf. my code pasting example).

This is better if we force to display characters, as I mentionned in my last 

If the content is the same, things are better, but still putting different 
formatting is an issue: having the command line I've show before (ls `date +
%Y-%m-%d`-*.xml) half in monospace, partly in bold is an issue, for 
readability, understanding and even accessibility.

Yes some clients are doing that, but that's not because some client have a bad 
behaviour that we need to standardise - and then legitimate - it.

Your smiling  ":-)" rendered as graphic is a good example as I often rant 
against client changing that when I want to paste code.

Combining messages without changing content, fonts etc is not an issue. 
Changing the content is an issue. Changing the style of part of the content 
may also be an issue in many case, even if it's alright in 80% of case.

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