The 'autojoin' flag name is a bit misleading in the time of always-on
clients.  Maybe we should change the text to indicate that a client is
supposed to join and stay joined(!) if this flag is set, and maybe also
to automatically leave when the flag is unset.

I’d argue that clients should always stay joined in MUCs the user hasn’t explicitly left. So autojoin is just saying "join the MUC on startup" (and thus, by extension, stay joined).

Exactly. This is what it means in my IRC client (irssi) and what I've always assumed / treated it as meaning in XMPP. If I join a MUC I want to stay in until I explicitly leave or close my client. If I leave I want to stay left until I explicitly join or close my client. After closing and re-opening my client I want to be in exactly the MUCs in my autojoin list.

If I just wanted to persist what my client had last time it was open, I wouldn't need bookmarks.

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