On 2018/03/21, Maxime Buquet wrote:
> On 2018/03/21, Sam Whited wrote:
> > I agree with this; when I do something on one client, I almost always want 
> > it synced to my other clients. Room joining and parting is the same. 
> > Similarly, just because my connection dropped and came back up a moment 
> > later doesn't mean I should suddenly not be joined to rooms anymore. If I'm 
> > in a room, I should autojoin it from all my clients on startup, if I close 
> > the room, it should close immediately in my other clients and no longer be 
> > autojoined on startup.
> When I do join or part on one client, I almost never want it synced to my
> other clients. I have pretty different use between clients.
> If my connection dropped and came back a moment later, I would want my
> client to rejoin MUCs I was in. I use bookmarks mostly as a way to
> remember MUC JIDs, not to know which state my clients should be in.

To complete the above, to summarize and see if I understand what you
want exactly: if a bookmark is set to autojoin=false, then all my
clients should part or not join this MUC.

This seriously disrupt my workflow, and I don't think there is any other
equivalent at the moment, is there?

Can I propose to dissociate the bookmarking from the syncing bit?

Maxime “pep” Buquet

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