I'm not hearing any yay's or nay's on the proposed convention
so how about a vote to practice our consensus building skills?
Everyone is encouraged to vote, including non-committers.

Option 1:
  Put all regression tests in tests/regress/, naming each as

Option 2:
  Mix regression tests in with the rest based on the clause
  in the standard and name each according to the following


Martin Sebor wrote:
Mark Brown wrote:
I propose tests/regress/stdcxx-NNN as the directory and file
naming convention for these new tests.


I like how the existing tests are organized by sections in the standard. When working on for example vector, it's easy to run just the container tests without having to worry about all the other tests. If the regression tests are in a separate directory people will need to remember to build and run them in addition to those for whatever it is they happen to be working on. Would it be possible to put the regression tests in the same directories as the other tests for the same components?

That sounds like a reasonable idea to me. Although not all
regression tests necessarily are (or will always be) specific
to a single component. Another (minor) wrinkle with the setup
you are proposing is that the regression tests wouldn't show
up along with the other tests for the same components in the
test result logs unless we prepended the section number to
their names like we do with te other ones. I.e., the naming
convention for the section-specific regression tests would
have to be something like:


Regression tests that aren't specific to a single section
would still follow the originally proposed convention:


Does this sound like a plan?


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