Do you want everything checked in as is for now
(package names, jsp tags, etc.)?  


--- Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just added a contrib directory to the main
> repository. This would be
> a  good place to upload the working copies of the
> packages we are
> working on, including David's validator, Oleg's bean
> factory, and
> Cedric's components. 
> If you all can add your contributions under this
> directory, it would
> help us get started on whatever refactoring and
> other work is needed. 
> Other code contributed to the Struts can also be
> uploaded here by a
> committer, so long as it carries the Apache software
> license. 
> I'm also going to start a release notes page for the
> nightly build
> (HEAD) and for Struts 1.x (the 1.0_BRANCH), and
> backfill what we have
> committed thus far. Since we're in 1.0 now, I'll
> also remove the release
> notes for the beta's (since these would be available
> in the
> distributions themselves, if anyone is still
> interested).
> -Ted.

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