yes, this will be a significant contribution.  Just the right stuff for a
public taglib, it will be interesting to see how it evolves. I especially
like the writing in the examples and its sensitivity to usage. I hope you
get a chance to carry that over to the documentation you suggest.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: Submission... <display:table...> tag library

> Hello,
> A few weeks ago, I mentioned in the struts-user list a tag library that we
> are developing which at the time I called gui:table...  I didn't have the
> source ready to go at the time - but rather then trying to get it perfect
> isolation, I'll risk the public humiliation and go ahead and make
> what I have now and try to work with others who are interested in
> helping me polish it up.
> Currently, this taglib has a single key tag called "table" that takes a
> of objects and displays them as a table.  It has various features
> (alternating row colors, using a decorator for formatting, sorting,
> pagination, etc...)
> My goal over time will be to add other common "high-level" web display
> patterns to the tag library, for example:
>    - display:table
>    - display:tree
>    - display:tabs
>    - display:inspector
>    - etc...
> The source to this tag library is available at:
> Examples, showing usage can be found at:
> Currently, documentation is little more then just the examples.
> To be honest, my original intention was to donate this taglib to struts if
> there was interest, as we are heavy struts users here at the U of Iowa,
> I wanted to give back if possible, but there is nothing "struts-specific"
> about the taglib (other then using some struts-like naming conventions for
> attributes), so it is probably more appropriately a candidate for the
> project, and as such, I have been working on getting the build process for
> the tag working in a jakarta-taglib style.
> I welcome any and all feedback and advice.  If this taglib seems like
> something that would be useful for either struts or taglibs, please let me
> know, and I'll be happy to work with either group to get it put into CVS
> on a more serious release schedule.
> I am currently being presumptuous, and have the taglib living in the
> org.apache.taglibs.display package, but if this doesn't seem like
> that would be of use to taglibs, I will certainly change the packaging to
> something more appropriate.
> Thanks.
> Software Developer - Information Technology Services - University of Iowa
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