This is actually on the Struts ToDo list. See "HTML No-Cache Support" here:

This functionality will not be incorporated into Struts 1.1, but it is
certainly something we can look at after 1.1 Final is released. In the
meantime, feel free to develop a proposal. ;-)

Martin Cooper

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BONNET Francois-Xavier
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 7:55 AM
> Subject: Browser's cache
> Hi everyone,
> A good way to improve applications performances is to use 
> browsers caches,
> reusing a cached page makes you save a lot of CPU and network traffic.
> HTTP protocol is rich enough to let you decide when you want 
> a page to be
> recalculated or retreived from cache but Struts does not take 
> advantage of
> this : you can only set the parameter "nocache" of 
> ActionServlet to "true"
> or "false". I think it would be usefull if Struts could do more.
> Has someone already worked on this ?
> If not I could work on it
> What I would like to add to Struts is being able to set each 
> action's cache
> control parameters in struts-config file
> I can see 5 types of actions :
> 1)    Actions that can be cached for a given amount of time 
> -> using HTTP
> headers "Expires" and "Max-Age"
> 2)    Actions than can be cached but need a conditional 
> request, up to the
> action to decide if cached version can be reused -> using headers
> "Last-Modified" and "E-tag"
> 3)    Actions that must be refreshed depending of the value 
> of a token. This
> could be obtained by extending <html:link> tag to add the 
> token to the URL
> so that the URL of the action in calling pages changes.
> 4)    Actions that must not be cached at all.
> 5)    Actions that can be cached with no limit
> Someone interested ?
> Thanks,
> Francois-Xavier Bonnet
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