A few comments:

1) All of the tags in the logic taglib relate to flow control. There are two
sets - conditionals and 'goto's - but they are all flow control. I find it
strange to want to claim that some flow control tags break the MVC model
while others don't.

I see the usage as being something like: if user is a manager { <logic:redirect...> }

Which, IMO, is logic that belongs in an Action.

2) If we removed these tags, we wouldn't be enforcing anything. People who use them today would just switch to using <jsp:forward> and <c:redirect>, but would lose the convenience of using logical names, as with other Struts tags, and have to hard code them instead.

True, but we wouldn't have to maintain them.

3) Many people, including myself, have been using these tags since the earliest days of Struts. (They were created in September 2000.) To my knowledge, this is the first time that anyone has suggested that they break the MVC model. If other people really believed that, I would have expected it to come up before now.

There's a first time for everything :-).

4) Just for fun: I find it interesting that David is so impassioned about cleaning up the logic taglib when he's usually the first person to suggest that people forget that taglib and use JSTL instead. ;-) ;-)

:-) I don't use the logic taglib at all so this is more of a philosophical issue than anything else. One reason I brought up this topic is that there are several inconsistencies and enhancement requests for these tags that I'd rather not deal with. Deprecating them makes sense to me because you can accomplish the same logic in Actions but it's not a big issue.


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