It makes more sense to me to *not* tag the commons files with Struts. The commons doesn't need to be notified every time Struts cuts a release. The commons jars contain version information in their manifests so it would be very easy to recreate an old Struts build by looking there.


But don't forget to tag ORO too, not to mention the jdbc2_0-stdext.jar and Servlet JAR =:) We also have external dependencies on them, just as we have *external* dependencies on the Commons JARs.

But, for the record, I'm planning on building the distribution from that same possibly erroneous document that you will later use to set the tags. So if the document is wrong, everything else will be wrong too.

If compiling our distribution from JARs distributed by another CVS is not acceptable to the team, and I totally misunderstand the point of sending these packages to the Commons in the first place, then please let me know now, and I'll pass the baton.


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