I am very open to suggestions, but I do feel this change is a better fit
incorporated into the tag library as opposed to standing on top of it.
Inclusion requires signifcantly less code since contol of styles is
localized to the BaseHandlerTag.  Extending the tags is a lot more code (the
same code has to be repeated in each input-type tag) and more complex
(styles must be set over and over as attributes are set, rather than making
one adjustment after everything has been set.  This is further complicated
due to not having control on the order that attributes get set.)

A quick note, when I wrote 'automatic highlighting of errored form
elements': it is only automatic if a style has been defined to use.
< html:text property="name" styleClass="valid" errorStyleClass="invalid" ...
where 'valid' is the css style class to use normally and 'invalid' would be
used if there was an error.
if no errorStyleClass was defined, there would be no highlighting.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 4:14 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Introduction and a proprosal to add new functionality to
Struts: Automatic highlighting of errored form elements

Sounds like a nice 3rd party library.  Are you open to suggestions?  I have
a few ideas about this myself.

James Mitchell
Software Developer/Struts Evangelist

----- Original Message -----
From: "DeRose Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 4:05 PM
Subject: Introduction and a proprosal to add new functionality to Struts:
Automatic highlighting of errored form elements

> Hello,
>     I have an idea that I would like to propose to the Struts community
> involving the HTML tag library; automatic highlighting of errored form
> elements.  I have used Struts for a couple medium sized projects and
> extended the tags to get this functionality.  After doing this two or
> times, I thought it would be great if Struts has this functionality built
> in.
>      I have gone through all the source and feel confident about the
> that would need to be made.  I have prepared documentation describing all
> the details, but I wanted to post this first to introduce myself and my
> idea.  If you guys would like to hear more, I would love to post my
> documentation for everyone to look at.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan R. DeRose
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