On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:49:31 -0800 (PST), Martin Cooper wrote:
>> On the multi-repository projects I've worked on, we had a special
>> repository  just for integration tasks like this.
> So we'd need yet another repo - say struts-integration - just for
> this. Why is that better than just doing what we need within the
> repo that we have already?

Well, as you mentioned, another way to go would be for some one to write a tool that 
could burst and rejar an arbitrary set of jars. (If one doesn't already exist.) The 
source for such a tool could live in the core since it's just something a volunteer 
would run offline and the upload. It wouldn't be a true deliverable. And, I'm not 
convinced that we even need to do such a thing. Even without a few extra JARs of our 
own, there are still all the Commons JARs. (Though I suppose we could roll together 
those too.) I'd tend to leave this for a end-user to do, say if there were 
distributing a particular Struts distribution to several teams in an enterprise. But 
it would be nice to provide a tool for this (if someone had the itch to write it.) It 
really sounds like a job for Sun :)

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:50:24 -0800 (PST), Martin Cooper wrote:
> I'd be open to it, but I think we have a lot of things we'd want to
> do to get our own house in order before we actually take action on
> this. I also think it might be a tricky issue in some respects. For
> example, we'll be faced with making subjective decisions on
> potentially substantial bodies of code, leading to the possibility
> of "why not mine?" kinds of things. For larger code bases, we'd
> also likely need to have some discussions with the incubator folks.
> But, as you say, let's get our own house in order first, and then
> come back and talk about this some more.

And in deciding how to renovate our house, let's keep in mind that we may be having 
more children :)

How about if we split the difference:

core module:



* opt-taglib
* opt-el
* opt-faces
* opt-dev ("sandbox")

So, we'd go from seven to five.

Then, later on, if we invite some of our friends to join us, and they move in, we just 
add more opt modules.


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