Quoting "Peter A. Pilgrim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > Quoting "Peter A. Pilgrim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > 
> >>Joe Germuska wrote:
> >>
> >>>> > Whether the "classic" and "el" taglibs are one chunk or two isn't
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> hugely important to me either -- I would prefer that this decision be
> >>>>> made by developers who've done more work on that code to date.
> >>>>> However, I did find that when I patched
> >>>>> o.a.s.t.html.JavascriptValidator, I had to go and make a
> >>>>> corresponding change in the EL version.  I suspect that changes in
> >>>>> those two libraries are going to track pretty tightly.  But like I
> >>>>> said, I'm not pushing for this; just floating it...
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Is there any reason that the EL tags wouldn't replace the existing tags
> >>>>for Struts 2.0?  Also, IMO, many of the tags can be removed entirely for
> >>>>2.0 because they've been replaced by more powerful counterparts in the
> >>>>JSTL.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>As I've been saying (a lot, it seems, lately) on struts-user, I think 
> >>>there are legitimate Struts JSP tags like "html:messages" that are not 
> >>>best replaced by JSTL.  Any time Struts tools put resources in special 
> >>>locations in request or session scope, I think it's nice to have tags 
> >>>which know the special locations, instead of expecting people to dig in 
> >>>and find them.  And, for example with html:messages, the 
> >>>message-property filtering is a useful feature that would require a lot 
> >>>of verbose JSTL to achieve the same goal.
> >>>
> >>>So, I'd suspect even in 2.0 there will be arguments for a small Struts 
> >>>taglib.  But I am 100% on board with pushing people to use the JSTL 
> >>>where it is really equivalent.
> >>>
> >>>Joe
> >>>
> >>
> >>All
> >>
> >>+1 Some Struts tags are indeed very great.
> >>
> >>I also found the original <html:options> tag to really be useful last year
> >>at RBS generating HTML OPTIONS elements. Repeating the same thing JSTL
> >><c:if> or <c:when> statment is verbose. If there not EL equivalent
> >>of <html:options>, it will be on my todo list.
> >>
> > 
> > It's not just an issue of JSTL and EL-enabling Struts tags.  JSF, for
> example,
> > has more powerful equivalents of <html:options> (<f:selectItems> -- among
> other
> > fancy things you can make it create hierarchical option lists by emitting
> > <optgroup> very easily), as well as equivalents for <html:messages>
> > (<h:message> for a single field, <h:messages> for the general messages).
> > 
> So I guess what you are, in fact, saying that we should be using JavaServer
> Faces or looking to use it, for 2004/2005. One question are the JSF tag
> actions <h:message> and <h:messages> dependent on a JSF implementation
> or can they be used standalone?

The <h:message> and <h:messages> tags are both JSF components, so they require a
JSF implementation -- but *any* JSF implementation will do, because they are

> Perhaps that is what we need to do as Developer. Write some kind of feature
> compatibility matrix.
> Old Tag        :    New Tag  :  Description
> ==============================================
> html:messages    h:messages     extends original behaviour and
>                                  can make it create hierarchical
>                                  option lists by emitting <optgroup>.
> > 
> >>I presume there are some other Struts HTML tags that are favourites with
> >>other people too.

In this particular case, you'll note that I included <s:message> in the
Struts-Faces integration library.  It is a JSF component, but it has semantics
like the <html:message> tag (for example, it looks things up in a Struts
MessageResources object instead of resource bundles the way that the standard
JSF components work).

For the same reason, I included JSF-ized versions of <html:base>, <html:errors>,
 <html:form>, <html:html>, <html:javascript>, <html:stylesheet>, and
<bean:write> in order to make transition of existing apps very easy.  If
there's any useful tags I missed that don't already have obvious JSF
replacements, I'd be happy to add them as well.

> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Likewise, the Struts-Faces integation library has JSF-componetized
> equivalents
> > for some of the Struts HTML tags (including messages) to make it easier to
> use
> > as a drop-in replacement.  I'd be interested in hearing specifically what
> other
> > "favorite" tags their are, to make sure that equivalent functionality is
> > available to a JSF-based user of Struts.
> > 
> <logic:iterate> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:forward> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:redirect> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:equal> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:notEqual> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:greaterThan> superceded by JSTL
> <logic:greaterEqual> superceded by JSTL
> etc

"Superceded" is definitely true for new development.  It would be unfair,
though, to existing applications to drop them in a 1.x release, however,
because it would prevent existing apps from being to upgrade without an
expensive rewrite.

> <logic:match> no equalivant in JSTL 1.0  but exists String functions in JSTL
> 1.1
> <bean:define> replace with <c:set>
> <bean:size>  we need a simple tag lib action for JSP 1.2 and JSTL 1.0 to get
> the size of java.uitl.Collection until there is widespread
> support JSP 2.0 JSTL 1.1
> Investigation continue with rest of Beans taglib ...

The STRUTS-EL docs have some useful information that will help this
investigation; it documents which basic Struts tags were not included because
the JSTL equivalents were there.

> >>-- 
> >>Peter Pilgrim


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