>>>>> "Wendy" == Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Wendy> David Karr wrote:
    >> Ok, that's useful information, especially the fact that the same thing
    >> happens with the non-el tags (so it wasn't me :) ). 

    Wendy> David, I regret to inform you that I lied.  When I said I switched to <html>
    Wendy> tags and the same thing happened, I did that by adding a  <%@ taglib > for
    Wendy> the non-el taglib, and manually editing each tag.  I missed one, the
    Wendy> <html-el:errors/> tag.  You probably noticed from the stack trace I posted
    Wendy> this morning that that was the tag causing problems... I'm a little slow. ;)

No, I didn't see that.  In the stack trace I saw, itt was in the ELFormTag
class that the NPE occurred.

    Wendy> Just now, I changed from the EL tags to the normal struts tags by doing
    Wendy> this: 
    Wendy> <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-html"; prefix="html-el"
    Wendy> %>
    Wendy> changing the uri and leaving all my tags alone.  The page now works.

    Wendy> If I change back to the 'tags-html-el' uri and comment out only the
    Wendy> <html-el:errors/> tag, the page also works.

    Wendy> So I have to blame the Struts-EL 'errors' tag.  Say it isn't so!  It happens
    Wendy> on the first page access, when presumably there wouldn't be any errors for
    Wendy> it to display.

I could use a full review of exactly the page that is causing problems,
including the full stack trace, along with a modified page that is not having a

Now that you have it running in the debugger, you could trace both the failing
scenario and the working scenario and trace back up the stack to the tag
setter/doStartTag and see what's different between the two cases.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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