I think you're missing my point that the open source Java developer's response to .NET is to port our favorite tools from Java to C#.

If we can make .NET look more like Java, then we all win. Heck, by making C# look so much like Java, Redmond has already done most of the work for us =:0)

If I can use my favorite tools on whichever platform, what do I care what the suits decide? Sure, Microsoft is the evil empire, but Sun has its dark moments too. AFAIC, the only white knight around here is the Apache Software Foundation.

Meanwhile, you can't rely 100% on Java either. There still are platforms, like FreeBSD, where there is not a good Java solution. One reason Yahoo went with PHP instead of JSP/Java is because Yahoo is standardized on FreeBSD.


If this had happened in 1999 instead of 2002, I'd be using PHP and FuseBox right now (and perhaps hanging with McClanahan the younger) =:)


And, yet I may ...


Sterin, Ilya wrote:
Very true, Ted, totally agree with the developers viewpoint. I also don't care if it's Java, C#, Perl, C/C++, or some new language, as long as you can get the job done.

The problem arises though with the fact that, what's more benefitial in the enterprises infrastructure. Cross-platform (which Java provides) or cross-language (which .NET provides). With my experience, most corporations have a highly heterogeneous environment, with it being almost impossible to deploy a 100% .NET infrastructure. And being that most corps don't necessarily want to support multiple global infrastructures, they tend to lean towards J2EE.

Though I must admit that most, are implementing .NET somewhere in the enterprise, it's just not a corporate wide supported environment.

Look at it from the perspective of writting cross platform apps. Most app companies, be it ERP applications, RDBMS, etc... are always looking to broader platform environments. SAP, Peoplesoft, etc... have all ported software to Linux, Unix, etc... Relying 100% on .NET, that becomes impossible. Though is the reason Oracle is highly dependent on Java, as it allows them to explore multiple platform environments, without the $$$ and time involved in porting to a different language.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted
Cc: Sterin, Ilya
Sent: 3/21/03 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] Microsoft

From a developers viewpoint, I'd say it's all moot. Developers develop.

Pascal, SmallTalk, Java, C# -- a language is a language. I've been
through half a dozen platforms so far, and, God willing, I'll go through

a half dozen more before I'm done. =:0)

The trick is to keep bringing your favorite tools along for the ride.
They hand you .NET, you come back with maverick.net (or struts.net for
that matter).

What I see in .NET is the opportunity to make our favorite tools, like
Struts and Hibernate and Velocity and Lucene, cross platform. So, no
matter what the suits come up with next, for us, it's still business as
usual =:-)

The Apache Software Foundation is about community-driven open source.
Whether it's in Java or C# or PHP or Python or Ruby doesn't matter. Good

products transcend languages and platforms.


Sterin, Ilya wrote:
 > Here is the issue.  The industry is greatly adopting the Linux
 > for servers and currently even workstations.  This is a major move, as

 > we have fortune 500 clients who are planning on switching the full
 > infrastructure to Linux.  Which means replacing Unix (Solaris, HP-UX,
 > and AIX) as well as NT, to all run Linux.  With these advancements,
 > Microsoft surely loosing the battle on the **server side**, .NET is
 > really looked at as a serious solution at many enterprises, though
 > they'll have to adapt Windows as their server side platform, which is
 > rare, especially in bigger companies, who currently run on Unix/Linux.

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>

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