I feel your pain, dude.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?

I guess that is what I will have to do and re-visit this later. I _do_ thank
you for your help on this.

Mick Knutson

>From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
>Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 13:46:53 -0400
>I'd advise that, since you are under a deadline here, that you change 
>the type from Date to String and do the conversions in your Action 
>class.  At least until we can figure out what is wrong.  And I would 
>use Calendar, not Date, in the Action class.  Ted just posted some 
>great wrapper classes for this purpose, or you can use the method I 
>posted yesterday in your Action for the conversion.  See 
>ion_form_classes for more info.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 1:41 PM
>Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
>I just tried again, and get the BeanUtils.populate error. No other 
>stacktrace. I really hate that. It tells me nothing about the actual 
>error, and it seems to be somewhere in the Controller I think. But it 
>_is_ because of the dates. I have commented out the dates so I can 
>finish some other parts that I need to work on, and it works. But the 
>dates are the heart or this Action. So it will not be finished unless I 
>figure this out.
>What else could I send you?
>Mick Knutson
> >From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> >To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
> >Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 13:34:05 -0400
> >
> >Yes, you would have to change all references in any class.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 1:25 PM
> >Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
> >
> >
> >I will try that, but would I also have to change my ValueObject as 
> >well from
> >
> >java.util.Date to java.sql.Date?
> >
> >Because I _did_ try this with both the VO and the DF as 
> >java.sql.Date, and I
> >
> >got the same error:
> >"BeanUtils.populate"
> >When I submitted the form.
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >Thanks...
> >Mick Knutson
> >---
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> > >To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
> > >Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 13:07:43 -0400
> > >
> > >try changing
> > >
> > ><form-property name="endingDate" type="java.util.Date" />
> > >
> > >to
> > >
> > ><form-property name="endingDate" type="java.sql.Date" />
> > >
> > >Mark
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:35 PM
> > >Subject: RE: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
> > >
> > >
> > >Here is my JSP:
> > >================
> > >           <tr>
> > >         <td><bean:message key="alert.endingDate"/></td>
> > >           <td><html:text property="endingDate" size="32"
> > >/></td>
> > >           </tr>
> > >
> > >My DynaForm declaration:
> > >-=======================
> > >         <form-bean  name="alertForm"
> > >                     dynamic="true"
> > >
> >type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
> > >             <form-property name="alertId" type="java.lang.String" />
> > >             <form-property name="userId" type="java.lang.Long" />
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="subject" type="java.lang.String" 
> > > />
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="startingDate" 
> > > type="java.util.Date" />
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="reoccurring" 
> > > type="java.lang.String"
> > >             <form-property name="gracePeriodDays" 
> > >type="java.lang.String" />
> > >             <form-property name="gracePeriodHours"
> >type="java.lang.String"
> > >/>
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="endingDate" type="java.util.Date" 
> > > />
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="status" type="java.lang.String" />
> > >             <form-property name="safeConfirm" 
> > > type="java.lang.String"
> > >             <form-property name="details" type="java.lang.String" />
> > >             <form-property name="noteToContactees" 
> > >type="java.lang.String" />
> > >
> > >             <form-property name="alertContacts" 
> > >type="java.lang.String[]" />
> > >             <form-property name="userContacts" 
> > >type="com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[]" />
> > >             <!--<form-property name="userContacts" 
> > >type="com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[]" />-->
> > >             <!--<form-property name="alertLocations" 
> > >type="com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto[]" />-->
> > >         </form-bean>
> > >
> > >
> > >My Action Declaration:
> > >=======================
> > >         <action path="/alert"
> > >                 input="/alertList.do"
> > >                 name="alertForm"
> > >                 parameter="action"
> > >                 scope="request"
> > >                 type="com.baselogic.yoursos.alert.AlertActions"
> > >                 validate="true"
> > >                 >
> > >           <forward name="success" path="/alertList.do" 
> > >redirect="true"
> >
> > >/>
> > >           <forward name="error" path=".error" redirect="true" />
> > >             <forward name="add" path=".alertAdd" redirect="true" />
> > >             <forward name="edit" path=".alertEdit" redirect="true" />
> > >           <forward name="view" path=".alertView" redirect="true" />
> > >         </action>
> > >
> > >
> > >My AlertActions.java default method:
> > >     public ActionForward defaultMethod( ActionMapping mapping
> > >                                         , ActionForm form
> > >                                         , HttpServletRequest request
> > >                                         , HttpServletResponse response
> > >                                         )
> > >             throws AlertNotFoundException, Exception
> > >     {
> > >         log.info( "Process a AlertActions.defaultMethod()" );
> > >
> > >         //IUserServices usd = this.getUserService();
> > >
> > >         AlertDto alertDto = new AlertDto();
> > >
> > >         //form = setFormDatesToDate( form );
> > >         BeanUtils.copyProperties( alertDto, form );
> > >
> > >         UserDto userDto = this.getUserService().findUser( 
> > >getUserContainer( request ).getUserLightDto().getUserId() );
> > >         ContactDto[] userContacts = userDto.getUserContacts();
> > >
> > >         log.info( "userContacts[] length: " + userContacts.length 
> > > );
> > >
> > >         if( alertDto.getAlertId().equals( "" ) )
> > >         {
> > >             // Must be a new alert then....
> > >             log.info( "Must be a new alert then...." );
> > >             alertDto.setUserId( userDto.getUserId() );
> > >             log.info( "alertDto: " + alertDto.toString() );
> > >
> > >             ( ( DynaActionForm ) form ).set( 
> > >Constants.USER_CONTACTS_KEY, userContacts );
> > >             BeanUtils.copyProperties( form, alertDto );
> > >             //form = setFormDatesToString( form );
> > >
> > >             return ( mapping.findForward( Constants.ADD_FWD ) );
> > >         }
> > >
> > >         log.info( "Must be an existing alert then...." );
> > >
> > >         // Get the required AlertDto...
> > >         alertDto = this.getAlertService().findAlert(
> > >alertDto.getAlertId() );
> > >
> > >         // Do we need to re-set the 2 dates from Dates, into 
> > > Strings
> >here?
> > >         BeanUtils.copyProperties( form, alertDto );
> > >
> > >         // We need to add the String[] object from our 
> > > ContactDto[]
> > >
> > >         return ( mapping.findForward( Constants.VIEW_FWD ) );
> > >     }
> > >
> > >
> > >My AlertActions.java add method: ====================================
> > >     public ActionForward add( ActionMapping mapping
> > >                               , ActionForm form
> > >                               , HttpServletRequest request
> > >                               , HttpServletResponse response
> > >                               )
> > >     throws Exception
> > >     {
> > >         try
> > >         {
> > >             if( log.isInfoEnabled() )
> > >             {
> > >                 log.info( "Process a alert add(...)" );
> > >                 log.info( "alertForm::add(): " + form.toString() );
> > >             }
> > >
> > >             IAlertServices asd = this.getAlertService();
> > >
> > >             UserLightDto userlightDto = getUserContainer( request 
> > >).getUserLightDto();
> > >
> > >             // We are forced to take a String as a Date, then 
> > >reformat it to
> > >
> > >a Date when we add or modify it.
> > >             form = setFormDatesToDate( form );
> > >
> > >             AlertDto alertDto = new AlertDto();
> > >             BeanUtils.copyProperties( alertDto, form );
> > >
> > >             if( log.isInfoEnabled() )
> > >             {
> > >                 log.info( "alertUpdate.dto: " + alertDto.toString() );
> > >             }
> > >
> > >             if( alertDto.getAlertId().equals( "" ) )
> > >             {
> > >                 // Must be a new alert then....add it
> > >                 log.info( "Must be a new alert then....Add it" );
> > >
> > >                 // First we need to create the ContactDto objects 
> > >from our String[]
> > >                 String[] alertContacts = (String[])(
> > >(DynaActionForm) form ).get( Constants.ALERT_CONTACTS_KEY );
> > >
> > >                 // We first have to create the alert. Then, only 
> > >after creation, can we add the contacts.
> > >                 alertDto = asd.alertCreate( alertDto );
> > >
> > >                 log.info( "String[] alertContacts length: " + 
> > >alertContacts.length );
> > >                 setAlertContactsFromForm( alertDto, alertContacts );
> > >                 alertDto = asd.alertUpdate( alertDto );
> > >                 return ( mapping.findForward( 
> > >Constants.SUCCESS_FWD )
> > >             }
> > >
> > >             // Forward control to the specified success URI
> > >             return ( mapping.findForward( Constants.SUCCESS_FWD ) );
> > >         }
> > >         catch( Exception e )
> > >         {
> > >             log.error( "Exception adding alert; " + 
> > > e.getMessage(), e
> > >             throw e;
> > >         }
> > >     }
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >My XDoclet Generated ValueObject: 
> > >===================================
> > >/*
> > >* Generated file - Do not edit!
> > >*/
> > >package com.baselogic.yoursos.alert;
> > >
> > >import java.util.*;
> > >
> > >/**
> > >* Value object for Alert.
> > >*
> > >* @xdoclet-generated at 31-05-03
> > >* @copyright YourSOS
> > >* @author mknutson
> > >* @version xxx
> > >*/
> > >public class AlertDto
> > >    extends java.lang.Object
> > >    implements java.io.Serializable
> > >{
> > >    private java.lang.String alertId;
> > >    private boolean alertIdHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.Long userId;
> > >    private boolean userIdHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String subject;
> > >    private boolean subjectHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.util.Date startDate;
> > >    private boolean startDateHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String reoccurring;
> > >    private boolean reoccurringHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String gracePeriodDays;
> > >    private boolean gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String gracePeriodHours;
> > >    private boolean gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.util.Date endingDate;
> > >    private boolean endingDateHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String startingLocation;
> > >    private boolean startingLocationHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String endingLocation;
> > >    private boolean endingLocationHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String status;
> > >    private boolean statusHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String safeConfirm;
> > >    private boolean safeConfirmHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String details;
> > >    private boolean detailsHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private java.lang.String noteToContactees;
> > >    private boolean noteToContacteesHasBeenSet = false;
> > >    private Collection Contacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    private Collection Locations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >
> > >    private java.lang.String pk;
> > >
> > >    public AlertDto()
> > >    {
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public AlertDto( java.lang.String alertId,java.lang.Long 
> > >userId,java.lang.String subject,java.util.Date 
> > >startDate,java.lang.String reoccurring,java.lang.String 
> > >gracePeriodDays,java.lang.String gracePeriodHours,java.util.Date 
> > >endingDate,java.lang.String startingLocation,java.lang.String 
> > >endingLocation,java.lang.String status,java.lang.String 
> > >safeConfirm,java.lang.String details,java.lang.String 
> > >noteToContactees
> > >    {
> > >     this.alertId = alertId;
> > >     alertIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.userId = userId;
> > >     userIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.subject = subject;
> > >     subjectHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.startDate = startDate;
> > >     startDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.reoccurring = reoccurring;
> > >     reoccurringHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.gracePeriodDays = gracePeriodDays;
> > >     gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.gracePeriodHours = gracePeriodHours;
> > >     gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.endingDate = endingDate;
> > >     endingDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.startingLocation = startingLocation;
> > >     startingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.endingLocation = endingLocation;
> > >     endingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.status = status;
> > >     statusHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.safeConfirm = safeConfirm;
> > >     safeConfirmHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.details = details;
> > >     detailsHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.noteToContactees = noteToContactees;
> > >     noteToContacteesHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     pk = this.getAlertId();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    //TODO Cloneable is better than this !
> > >    public AlertDto( AlertDto otherValue )
> > >    {
> > >     this.alertId = otherValue.alertId;
> > >     alertIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.userId = otherValue.userId;
> > >     userIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.subject = otherValue.subject;
> > >     subjectHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.startDate = otherValue.startDate;
> > >     startDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.reoccurring = otherValue.reoccurring;
> > >     reoccurringHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.gracePeriodDays = otherValue.gracePeriodDays;
> > >     gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.gracePeriodHours = otherValue.gracePeriodHours;
> > >     gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.endingDate = otherValue.endingDate;
> > >     endingDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.startingLocation = otherValue.startingLocation;
> > >     startingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.endingLocation = otherValue.endingLocation;
> > >     endingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.status = otherValue.status;
> > >     statusHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.safeConfirm = otherValue.safeConfirm;
> > >     safeConfirmHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.details = otherValue.details;
> > >     detailsHasBeenSet = true;
> > >     this.noteToContactees = otherValue.noteToContactees;
> > >     noteToContacteesHasBeenSet = true;
> > >   // TODO Clone is better no ?
> > >     this.Contacts = otherValue.Contacts;
> > >   // TODO Clone is better no ?
> > >     this.Locations = otherValue.Locations;
> > >
> > >     pk = this.getAlertId();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public java.lang.String getPrimaryKey()
> > >    {
> > >     return pk;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setPrimaryKey( java.lang.String pk )
> > >    {
> > >       // it's also nice to update PK object - just in case
> > >       // somebody would ask for it later...
> > >       this.pk = pk;
> > >     setAlertId( pk );
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public java.lang.String getAlertId()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.alertId;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setAlertId( java.lang.String alertId )
> > >    {
> > >     this.alertId = alertId;
> > >     alertIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >             pk = alertId;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean alertIdHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return alertIdHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.Long getUserId()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.userId;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setUserId( java.lang.Long userId )
> > >    {
> > >     this.userId = userId;
> > >     userIdHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean userIdHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return userIdHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getSubject()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.subject;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setSubject( java.lang.String subject )
> > >    {
> > >     this.subject = subject;
> > >     subjectHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean subjectHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return subjectHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.util.Date getStartDate()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.startDate;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setStartDate( java.util.Date startDate )
> > >    {
> > >     this.startDate = startDate;
> > >     startDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean startDateHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return startDateHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getReoccurring()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.reoccurring;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setReoccurring( java.lang.String reoccurring )
> > >    {
> > >     this.reoccurring = reoccurring;
> > >     reoccurringHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean reoccurringHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return reoccurringHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getGracePeriodDays()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.gracePeriodDays;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setGracePeriodDays( java.lang.String gracePeriodDays )
> > >    {
> > >     this.gracePeriodDays = gracePeriodDays;
> > >     gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return gracePeriodDaysHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getGracePeriodHours()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.gracePeriodHours;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setGracePeriodHours( java.lang.String 
> > > gracePeriodHours
> > >    {
> > >     this.gracePeriodHours = gracePeriodHours;
> > >     gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return gracePeriodHoursHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.util.Date getEndingDate()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.endingDate;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setEndingDate( java.util.Date endingDate )
> > >    {
> > >     this.endingDate = endingDate;
> > >     endingDateHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean endingDateHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return endingDateHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getStartingLocation()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.startingLocation;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setStartingLocation( java.lang.String 
> > > startingLocation
> > >    {
> > >     this.startingLocation = startingLocation;
> > >     startingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean startingLocationHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return startingLocationHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getEndingLocation()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.endingLocation;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setEndingLocation( java.lang.String endingLocation )
> > >    {
> > >     this.endingLocation = endingLocation;
> > >     endingLocationHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean endingLocationHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return endingLocationHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getStatus()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.status;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setStatus( java.lang.String status )
> > >    {
> > >     this.status = status;
> > >     statusHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean statusHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return statusHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getSafeConfirm()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.safeConfirm;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setSafeConfirm( java.lang.String safeConfirm )
> > >    {
> > >     this.safeConfirm = safeConfirm;
> > >     safeConfirmHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean safeConfirmHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return safeConfirmHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getDetails()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.details;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setDetails( java.lang.String details )
> > >    {
> > >     this.details = details;
> > >     detailsHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean detailsHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return detailsHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >    public java.lang.String getNoteToContactees()
> > >    {
> > >     return this.noteToContactees;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setNoteToContactees( java.lang.String 
> > > noteToContactees
> > >    {
> > >     this.noteToContactees = noteToContactees;
> > >     noteToContacteesHasBeenSet = true;
> > >
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean noteToContacteesHasBeenSet(){
> > >     return noteToContacteesHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    protected Collection addedContacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    protected Collection removedContacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    protected Collection updatedContacts = new 
> > > java.util.ArrayList();
> > >
> > >    public Collection getAddedContacts() { return addedContacts; }
> > >    public Collection getRemovedContacts() { return removedContacts; }
> > >    public Collection getUpdatedContacts() { return 
> > > updatedContacts; }
> > >
> > >    public void setAddedContacts(Collection addedContacts)
> > >    {
> > >       this.addedContacts.clear();
> > >       this.addedContacts.addAll(addedContacts);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setRemovedContacts(Collection removedContacts)
> > >    {
> > >       this.removedContacts.clear();
> > >       this.removedContacts.addAll(removedContacts);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setUpdatedContacts(Collection updatedContacts)
> > >    {
> > >       this.updatedContacts.clear();
> > >       this.updatedContacts.addAll(updatedContacts);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[] getContacts()
> > >    {
> > >     return 
> > >(com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[])this.Contacts.toArray(n
> > >ew
> > >com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[Contacts.size()]);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >setContacts(com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto[]
> > >Contacts)
> > >    {
> > >       this.Contacts.clear();
> > >       for (int i=0; i < Contacts.length; i++)
> > >           this.Contacts.add(Contacts[i]);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void clearContacts()
> > >    {
> > >     this.Contacts.clear();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void addContact(com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto
> >added)
> > >    {
> > >     this.Contacts.add(added);
> > >     if ( ! this.addedContacts.contains(added))
> > >            this.addedContacts.add(added);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >removeContact(com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto
> > >removed)
> > >    {
> > >     this.Contacts.remove(removed);
> > >     this.removedContacts.add(removed);
> > >     if (this.addedContacts.contains(removed))
> > >            this.addedContacts.remove(removed);
> > >     if (this.updatedContacts.contains(removed))
> > >            this.updatedContacts.remove(removed);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >updateContact(com.baselogic.yoursos.contact.ContactDto
> > >updated)
> > >    {
> > >     if ( !this.updatedContacts.contains(updated) &&
> > >!this.addedContacts.contains(updated))
> > >            this.updatedContacts.add(updated);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void cleanContact(){
> > >     this.addedContacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >     this.removedContacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >     this.updatedContacts = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > > copyContactsFrom(com.baselogic.yoursos.alert.AlertDto
> >from)
> > >    {
> > >     // TODO Clone the List ????
> > >     this.Contacts = from.Contacts;
> > >    }
> > >    protected Collection addedLocations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    protected Collection removedLocations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    protected Collection updatedLocations = new 
> > >java.util.ArrayList();
> > >
> > >    public Collection getAddedLocations() { return addedLocations; }
> > >    public Collection getRemovedLocations() { return 
> > > removedLocations;
> > >    public Collection getUpdatedLocations() { return 
> > > updatedLocations; }
> > >
> > >    public void setAddedLocations(Collection addedLocations)
> > >    {
> > >       this.addedLocations.clear();
> > >       this.addedLocations.addAll(addedLocations);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setRemovedLocations(Collection removedLocations)
> > >    {
> > >       this.removedLocations.clear();
> > >       this.removedLocations.addAll(removedLocations);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void setUpdatedLocations(Collection updatedLocations)
> > >    {
> > >       this.updatedLocations.clear();
> > >       this.updatedLocations.addAll(updatedLocations);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto[] getLocations()
> > >    {
> > >     return 
> > >(com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto[])this.Locations.toArra
> > >y(
> > >ne
> > >w
> > >com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto[Locations.size()]);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >setLocations(com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto[]
> > >Locations)
> > >    {
> > >       this.Locations.clear();
> > >       for (int i=0; i < Locations.length; i++)
> > >           this.Locations.add(Locations[i]);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void clearLocations()
> > >    {
> > >     this.Locations.clear();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >addLocation(com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto
> > >added)
> > >    {
> > >     this.Locations.add(added);
> > >     if ( ! this.addedLocations.contains(added))
> > >            this.addedLocations.add(added);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >removeLocation(com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto
> > >removed)
> > >    {
> > >     this.Locations.remove(removed);
> > >     this.removedLocations.add(removed);
> > >     if (this.addedLocations.contains(removed))
> > >            this.addedLocations.remove(removed);
> > >     if (this.updatedLocations.contains(removed))
> > >            this.updatedLocations.remove(removed);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >updateLocation(com.baselogic.yoursos.location.LocationDto
> > >updated)
> > >    {
> > >     if ( !this.updatedLocations.contains(updated) &&
> > >!this.addedLocations.contains(updated))
> > >            this.updatedLocations.add(updated);
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void cleanLocation(){
> > >     this.addedLocations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >     this.removedLocations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >     this.updatedLocations = new java.util.ArrayList();
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public void 
> > >copyLocationsFrom(com.baselogic.yoursos.alert.AlertDto
> > >from)
> > >    {
> > >     // TODO Clone the List ????
> > >     this.Locations = from.Locations;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public String toString()
> > >    {
> > >     StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("{");
> > >
> > >     str.append("alertId=" + getAlertId() + " " + "userId=" +
> > >getUserId() + "
> > >" + "subject=" + getSubject() + " " + "startDate=" + getStartDate() 
> > >+ " " + "reoccurring=" + getReoccurring() + " " + 
> > >"gracePeriodDays=" +
> > >getGracePeriodDays() + " " + "gracePeriodHours=" +
> > >getGracePeriodHours() +
> > >"
> > >
> > >" + "endingDate=" + getEndingDate() + " " + "startingLocation=" +
> > >getStartingLocation() + " " + "endingLocation=" + 
> > >getEndingLocation()
> > >+ " "
> > >+ "status=" + getStatus() + " " + "safeConfirm=" + getSafeConfirm() 
> > >+ + " " +
> > >"details=" + getDetails() + " " + "noteToContactees=" + 
> > >getNoteToContactees());
> > >     str.append('}');
> > >
> > >     return(str.toString());
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    /**
> > >   * A Value object have an identity if its attributes making its
> >Primary
> > >Key
> > >   * has all been set.  One object without identity is never equal to
> >any
> > >other
> > >   * object.
> > >   *
> > >   * @return true if this instance have an identity.
> > >   */
> > >    protected boolean hasIdentity()
> > >    {
> > >     return alertIdHasBeenSet;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean equals(Object other)
> > >    {
> > >       if (this == other)
> > >          return true;
> > >     if ( ! hasIdentity() ) return false;
> > >     if (other instanceof AlertDto)
> > >     {
> > >            AlertDto that = (AlertDto) other;
> > >            if ( ! that.hasIdentity() ) return false;
> > >            boolean lEquals = true;
> > >            if( this.alertId == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.alertId == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.alertId.equals(
> > >that.alertId );
> > >            }
> > >
> > >            lEquals = lEquals && isIdentical(that);
> > >
> > >            return lEquals;
> > >     }
> > >     else
> > >     {
> > >            return false;
> > >     }
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public boolean isIdentical(Object other)
> > >    {
> > >     if (other instanceof AlertDto)
> > >     {
> > >            AlertDto that = (AlertDto) other;
> > >            boolean lEquals = true;
> > >            if( this.userId == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.userId == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.userId.equals( that.userId
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.subject == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.subject == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.subject.equals(
> > >that.subject );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.startDate == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.startDate == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.startDate.equals(
>that.startDate );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.reoccurring == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.reoccurring == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.reoccurring.equals(
> >that.reoccurring );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.gracePeriodDays == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.gracePeriodDays == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.gracePeriodDays.equals( 
> > >that.gracePeriodDays );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.gracePeriodHours == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.gracePeriodHours == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.gracePeriodHours.equals( 
> > >that.gracePeriodHours );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.endingDate == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.endingDate == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.endingDate.equals(
that.endingDate );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.startingLocation == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.startingLocation == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.startingLocation.equals(
> > >that.startingLocation
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.endingLocation == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.endingLocation == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.endingLocation.equals(
> > >that.endingLocation );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.status == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.status == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.status.equals( that.status
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.safeConfirm == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.safeConfirm == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.safeConfirm.equals(
> > >that.safeConfirm );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.details == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.details == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.details.equals(
> > >that.details );
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.noteToContactees == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.noteToContactees == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && this.noteToContactees.equals(
> > >that.noteToContactees
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.getContacts() == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.getContacts() == null );
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals &&
> > >java.util.Arrays.equals(this.getContacts() ,
> > >that.getContacts()) ;
> > >            }
> > >            if( this.getLocations() == null )
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals && ( that.getLocations() == null
> > >);
> > >            }
> > >            else
> > >            {
> > >                   lEquals = lEquals &&
> > >java.util.Arrays.equals(this.getLocations() ,
> > >that.getLocations()) ;
> > >            }
> > >
> > >            return lEquals;
> > >     }
> > >     else
> > >     {
> > >            return false;
> > >     }
> > >    }
> > >
> > >    public int hashCode(){
> > >     int result = 17;
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.alertId != null) ?
> > >this.alertId.hashCode()
> > >
> > >: 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.userId != null) ?
> > >this.userId.hashCode()
> > >:
> > >
> > >0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.subject != null) ?
> > >this.subject.hashCode()
> > >
> > >: 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.startDate != null) ?
> > >this.startDate.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.reoccurring != null) ?
> > >this.reoccurring.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.gracePeriodDays != null) ?
> > >this.gracePeriodDays.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.gracePeriodHours != null) ?
> > >this.gracePeriodHours.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.endingDate != null) ?
> > >this.endingDate.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.startingLocation != null) ?
> > >this.startingLocation.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.endingLocation != null) ?
> > >this.endingLocation.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.status != null) ?
> > >this.status.hashCode()
> > >:
> > >
> > >0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.safeConfirm != null) ?
> > >this.safeConfirm.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.details != null) ?
> > >this.details.hashCode()
> > >
> > >: 0);
> > >
> > >       result = 37*result + ((this.noteToContactees != null) ?
> > >this.noteToContactees.hashCode() : 0);
> > >
> > >     result = 37*result + ((this.getContacts() != null) ?
> > >this.getContacts().hashCode() : 0);
> > >     result = 37*result + ((this.getLocations() != null) ?
> > >this.getLocations().hashCode() : 0);
> > >     return result;
> > >    }
> > >
> > >}
> > >
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