If you want to use Locale aware conversions perhaps you should be using LocaleBeanUtils rather than BeanUtils. You should be able to convert a string to a date as follows:

java.util.Date myDate = (java.util.Date)LocaleConvertUtils.convert("18 Jan 2003", Class.forName("java.util.Date"));

If you change your form-properties to strings, copyProperties() should automagically do the String->Date conversion for you - although I think it uses toString() for Date->String so you'd need to use the DateFormat class and some locale information you have about the user (request.getLocale()?) to reformat the string.


Mick Knutson wrote:

I looked at the javadocs, but I just can't seem to understand how to use that. I looked at the struts source, but that is never used there.
Does anyone have a working example of this?

Mick Knutson

From: Gareth Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DateUtilities for ActionForms?
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 18:23:27 +0100


Have you tried using the BeanUtils converters. From the docs:

Standard |LocaleConverter| <cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implementation that converts an incoming locale-sensitive String into a |java.util.Date| object, optionally using a default value or throwing a |ConversionException| <cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> if a conversion error occurs.

It sounds like it might help, but I haven't used it before so i can't comment. At the very least the source might be useful if you decide you need to write your own DateUtilities.



Mick Knutson wrote:

Is there already a set of DateUtilities for ActionForms?
I am finding myself converting to and from Strings and also reformating my Dates to and from my DB.

I am using EntityBeans and ValueObjects with my ActionForms, so to keep the types in synch, it seems I have to do serious conversion all the time.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Mick Knutson

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