Kruse, Matt wrote:
GenericDataSource now handles all the pooling and stuff itself, instead of
relying on BasicDataSource, which is fine.
But, it also relies on GenericConnection, of which there are two versions -
one for JDK1.3, one for JDK1.4. And the one for JDK1.3 will _not_ compile
JDK1.4. (according to the docs). That's a bummer, because if I release an
app with the 1.3 version packaged in, and the server is upgraded to 1.4, I'm
going to assume that things will break?

If your application does not use 1.4 features, then it shouldn't break. We used the 1.3 version because it was compatible both ways.

We only provided the 1.4 version for people who like to compile everything themselves.


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