my 2 cents worth is that the best way for a front-end designer to work with programmers was not to share the code at all.

In my experience, webpage designers know nothing about programming, sometimes not even HTML, but they're great at putting creative graphic ideas together. What I would do - get the creatives to produce a web page exactly as they want it to look, and then get the programmers to reproduce it however they want.

If the creatives change the page, then the programmers have to reproduce their changes in their HTML. This leaves the programmers free to implement the design in whatever way they see fit without having to worry about whether their code will survive being put through Dreamweaver or Frontpage.


Adwait B wrote:
Hi All,

I've few things to ask that i couldnt find in archive..

1.I'm in design phase of a project that is supposed to use struts.We will be recieving 
plain HTML forms(GUI) from our frontend designer and then we'll be converting that in 
struts jsp(jsp with struts tags)
During demo we found this process of conversion to be painful.
Is ther any tool/script availbale for converting plain pure html into struts jsp?

2.What are the struts development tools?Can anybody recommend me some tool?(like camino,exadel struts studio, MDE)has anybody done development using these tools..

3.Now during development html(screen design) changes..waht are the ways we can make sure that jsp changes accordingly..



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