I cannot switch to Sturts 1.1 because I use BEA
WebLogic 6.1sp2 and a known WL bug limits the number
of total jars you can use in an application to a
collective name length of 80 characters. :( Same
reason why I also cannot use JSTL.

Since struts 1.1 imports a few more new jars, I exceed
the limit and the app doesn't work anymore.

But I have found enough suggestions and hints from all
of you to implement a suitable workaround, thank you!

For other projects not using WL 6.1sp2, I have already
upgraded to Struts 1.1. Haven't done the date thing
there yet, as I do it with JSTL there.

--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 6:28 -0700 8/6/03, Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
> >Which version of struts is that? I am using 1.02
> and
> >for bean:write, neither type or formatKey are
> allowed
> >attributes....
> It was introduced during the development of Struts
> 1.1.  The Struts 
> development team took great pains to ensure
> backwards compatibility, 
> and you can probably upgrade to 1.1 with very little
> (or no) changes 
> to your code.
> Otherwise, you'll have to go along with what some
> other people 
> suggested and instead of displaying the date
> directly, reference an 
> accessor of a bean which returns a formatted date
> string.
> You can actually subvert the MappedProperty syntax
> and make a method 
> to which you pass in a date format -- I did this on
> a project before 
> switching to Struts 1.1.  Do something like this:
> public class DateWrapper {
>       private java.util.Date date = null;
>       public DateWrapper (java.util.Date date)
>       {
>               this.date = date;
>       }
>       public String getFormattedDate(String format)
>       {
>               // typical code to use SimpleDateFormat with the
> given string
>               // and the 'date' property
>       }
> }
> Then in your action:
>       request.setAttribute("wrapper", new
> DateWrapper(date));
> Then in your page
>       <bean:write name="wrapper"
> property="formattedDate(yyyy-MM-dd)" />
> Or something more or less like this (i.e. I wrote
> the above for this 
> email; I didn't copy it from working code).
> Of course instead of writing a DateWrapper class you
> could just add 
> the getFormattedDate method to some bean which has a
> date property.
> But really, you're better off switching to Struts
> 1.1.  Why wouldn't you?
> Joe
> -- 
> --
> Joe Germuska            
> http://blog.germuska.com    
> "If nature worked that way, the universe would crash
> all the time." 
>       --Jaron Lanier
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