Ack! Too many Matts ;)

More comments below...

Matt Raible wrote:
Cool Matt - I've always loved you pop-up calendar.  Does this mean it'll write
JS for the popup calendar too?  I like the <div> version - which requires a
hidden div and such - so I hope you'll incorporate this.

Maybe something like:

<html:calendar property="startDate" format="MM/dd/yyyy" image="path/to/image"

Of course, this will still be a String property b/c that's all the web can
handle, but I always use a image icon for my calendar links - so I'd like to
see that as an option.

In my implementation of this I took a slightly diferent approach. Here is an example:

<!-- this is extending from the Struts input tag -->
<krm:date property="startDate" styleClass="formInput"/>
<!-- here is the selector element.  for us, an icon -->
<krm:dateSelector property="startDate">
        <img src="<krm:url>/images/calendar.gif</krm:url>" border="0">
<!-- here is the date eraser.  we don't have an icon yet -->
<krm:dateEraser property="startDate">
        Clear Date

Here is the output:

<input readonly type="text" name="startDate" size="15" value="18 Jul 2003" onfocus="this.blur();" class="formInput">
<script language="JavaScript">
var cal = new CalendarPopup();
<a href="#" onclick=",'anchor1','dd MMM yyyy'); return false;" name="anchor1" id="anchor1"><img src="/ebspnp/images/calendar.gif" border="0"></a>
<a href="#" onclick="document.bin.startDate.value=''; return false;">Clear Date</a>


Matt Sgarlata

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