> There are a way to: 
> When a click in a link in my jsp page, in address bar in my 
> browser dont write the name of the action, and go direct to 
> the jsp page (defined in action forward) ???

Most of us go to great lengths to prevent users from accessing the JSPs
directly, including putting them under WEB-INF or behind a security

But if you have JSP's that don't need Action code in front of them, just
put them somewhere accessible and use a plain old <a
href="filename.jsp">Link</a>.  If the link text/location needs to be
dynamic, JSTL can be of help.

However, if there are any Struts tags on the target JSP, they probably
won't work right unless you go through an Action first.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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