Hi Avinash:

I have not followed your description very carefully - my eyes started
glazing over about mid-way..;) - but here's a thought (and I'm only
going by what i remember of your original question, so forgive me if I
misspeak..): If you do not have access to the request object, do you at
least have access to the session?  In which case how about putting the
user in a session variable (maybe right after logon) and then you should
be able to get his/her userId etc etc wherever you want it from..?  I
know there has been **extensive** discussion in this list re. the pros
and cons of using session variables and if you are of the
all-session-vars-are-bad school of thought, this won't do you any good.
But personally,  this seems to be a situation where a session variable
would come in handy..

If however this idea wn't work in your situation, you may want to
discuss with your clients their absolute requirement about wanting a
link vs. a button (I believe you indicated earlier that the latter case
will pose no prblems for you..?)

Good luck!


> Hi Geeta/Paul/Mark/Wendy
> What Geeta has suggested is basically the same thing but Paul is using
> JSTL for that.
> But such is the restriction of my application that I can not use
> request object to get the values from form directly by calling
> request.getParameter(...);
> I will explain this why.
> The framework that we are working with right now gives some add on
> features over struts. Basically taken from StrutsEJB framework.
> We are using Map Based DTOs to transfer data from view layer to model
> layer and other way round.
> We are also using the feature of Command Files. I will explain it what
> it is for people unaware of StrutsEJB framework.
> In Struts we are supposed to mention the Action Class in the
> struts-config.xml. And from the Action class we generally call some
> java programs (say command files) to access the model layer basically
> to avoid keeping business logic in Action Classes.
> But in my framework we just need to mention the Command file name in
> struts-config.xml instead of Action classes. There is only one action
> class that is DefaultAction class which handles all the requests and
> diverts the program control to the command file. I will give here one
> typical entry in my struts-config.xml for your reference.
> <action
>     path="/CreateUser"
>     type="framework.common.web.DefaultAction"
>     name="UserForm"
>     scope="request"
>     input = "/CreateUser.jsp"
>     parameter="app.cmd.CreateUserCmd">
>     <forward name="Success" path = "/UserSucc.jsp" />
>   </action>
> in the above action tag the attribute parameter is the name of the
> command file where i would like my control to go after the form gets
> submitted.
> Now the problem is in the Command File "CreateUserCmd" where i would
> keep my business logic -- i dont have the "request" object. so i cant
> do a
> "request.getParameter(.....); " here.
> the way i get values from forms is like this.
> if I have this code in JSP
> <html:text property="dto(txtUsname)" styleClass="listItem" size="14"
> />
> I will have to write the following code in my command file to get the
> value of "User Name"
> String UserName = (String)paramDTO.get("txtUsName");
> As Mark/Wendy were asking me why i cant use JavaScript is because
> whenever i use something like this in JavaScript I get javascript
> error at runtime
> document.UserForm.dto(txtUsName).value = val;
> document.UserForm.submit();
> This is obvious because whenever javascript parses something like
> dto(txtUsName) it takes it as a function call.
> I hope I could explain the problem properly.
> Regards
> Avinash Tiwari
> Tata Consultancy Services
> Website: http://www.tcs.com
> "Geeta Ramani"
                                              Struts Users Mailing List
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 To <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  02/17/2004 09:57 PM                      cc
          Please respond to           Subject Re: Form Submission
     "Struts Users Mailing List"

> Avinash:
> How about trying something like this:
> <%String myLink = "/EmplyeeDetailAction.do?employeeId=" + employeeId;
> %>
> <html:link page="<%=myLink">Employee Detail Page</html:link>
> Regards,
> Geeta
> >
> > I want to use a hyperlink instead -
> >
> > for example
> > On a typical employee list page clicking the employee id of an
> > employee takes you to the employee detail page.
> >
> > In this scenario employee id can not be displayed over a button - it
> > has to be a hyperlink..
> >
> > Use of javascript is restricted. So i cant call a javascript
> function
> > to set the action atribute and then call the submit function.
> >
> > Avinash Tiwari
> > Tata Consultancy Services
> > Website: http://www.tcs.com
> >
> >
> > Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                                           To "Struts Users Mailing
> List"
>  02/17/2004 08:57 PM
>                                           cc
>          Please respond to
>     "Struts Users Mailing List"      Subject Re: Form Submission
> >
> >
> >
> > May I ask why you don't want a submit button?
> >
> >
> > On 17 Feb 2004, at 15:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > How can we submit a form without using <html:submit> tag. I dont
> > want
> > > to use JavaScript for this?
> > >
> > > Thanks & Regards
> > >  Avinash Tiwari
> > >  Tata Consultancy Services
> > >  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >  Website:
> > > http://
> > >
> >
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