
Just to understand your page flow....

The first request goes to /, which puts "junkbean"
into the request scope, forwards to index.jsp.
On submit of the form on index.jsp, / is invoked
which then forwards to /

Is this understanding correct..?

Which action/page gives you "Cannot find bean junkbean in any scope" ?


Andy Wrote:
1. IndexAction (mapped to / puts data into the bean:

        List users = service.viewAllPeople(birForm);
        request.setAttribute("junkbean", users);

    ...and then returns index.jsp:

        <forward name="continue" path="/WEB-INF/pages/index.jsp"/>

2. Within this index.jsp is a form, which is submitted to LoginAction.

3. When I submit the form to LoginAction and LoginAction is finished,
then I want to return the / mapping, or display the index.jsp
screen again:

          <forward name="continue" path="/"/>

4. When I do this, I get the following error:

    Cannot find bean junkbean in any scope

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Engle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:47 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Returning fully-stocked Actions/JSPs from other Actions

"Gopalakrishnan, Jayesh" wrote:

> Your junkbean is lost once index.jsp is rendered on the browser.
> Thats the end of the request scope. If you want the "junkbean" to
> last for more than 1 page on the browser, I guess "session" scope is 
> appropriate.

Sure, but I don't want the bean to be saved at the session scope level
because it will be updated from request to request, hence the reason I
am loading it with new information before I send back index.jsp, which
will access the bean.



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