Tony Moss wrote:

>  Fernando Cabral wrote:
> >At first it came as a suprise to find that different
> >compasses will show completely different readings. 2, 3, 5 or even 10 degrees
> >east or west are quite common.
> In my collection of oddities I have a small compass that may have been
> repaired or assembled incorrectly - whatever the cause it points the
> wrong way!
> Or was it made for the Southern hemisphere?  :-)

Or perhaps it was built to be used with a mirror? :-)

- fernando

> Alongside it is a hand-calibrated precision rule from a combination set
> by Starrett, a world-famous maker, with one edge calibrated  "10  20  30
> 40  60  50  70 ..."  Many engineering disasters resulted before someone
> spotted it.

Could this explain the sinking of the Titanic?  :-)It is said that due to the 
of millenium compasses will be off by
one century; the sun will rise at Azimuth 270 and set at 90; magnetic
North will become Magnetic South at 0 h 0 m 0 s Jan 1, 2000;
Every electro, electronic  and atomic clock and watch will
stop working and people will try to buy sundials of any size
or make... just to find they show the time backwards; EOT
will have to be recalculated or else you could use any almanac
printed for the 1900's ... In Paris and Munich clouds of mosquitos
will render the sundials unuseable.

I'll not give the list of penalties we are doomed to because
of software failure in the Y2K. I know things like
woman becoming pregnant just because they see a
condom on the TV screen; yellow fever will killing half of
the world population; rats and snakes taking
New York by assault; sharks swimming in the streets
of Rome searching for food... these are all off-topic
issues so inappropriate to the discussed here. :-)

- fernando

> Tony Moss

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    
                                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fone: +55 61 321-2433                   Fax: +55 61 225-3082
15º 45' 04.9" S                         47º 49' 58.6" W
19º 37' 57.0" S                         45º 17' 13.6" W

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