> The Patent for Porter's reflecting telescope is available directly from
> the patent office's online
> site at a huge long url, which is too long to type in or put on a single
> line.

For future reference, there's an easy fix for that problem:
Once you have navigated to the site with the long URL, copy it from the
address bar, then go to <http://tinyurl.com>
Enter the long url, hit "Make a shorter URL", and copy the tiny result to
paste into your email. They keep just the link association you create, but
keep it forever. And it's totally free...

> You can just go to:
> http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html
> and search for telescope in title and porter in inventor, yielding two
> patents, one for the
> refracting, and one for the reflecting one.(having set the full database
> period in the selection )

Another very useful free site is <http://pat2pdf.org>
Enter the patent number, and they will retrieve the TIFF images and create
a multi-page pdf file you can download or view immediately. No TIFF plugin



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