

Most Curious!


Why would a (presumably sane) physiotherapist suggest firing at a
sundial? Was it a test to see if the 'gunman' could even find one! (How
many are there in the Sunderland area?).  Surely there are easier
targets to find than that? Do we know if he succeeded and what damage
was done? 


I assume the suggestion of demolishing a wall wasn't by perforating it
using the same pistol until it collapsed,.....


I note he accepts he 'stepped over the mark' Wouldn't it be more true to
say he shot himself in the foot....????



Peter Tandy



-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Tony Moss
Sent: 05 December 2009 15:00
To: Sundial Mailing List
Subject: Troublesome things these sundials!


This caught my attention amongst regular news items.


Tony Moss.




BBC CEEFAX North East & Cumbria News  Saturday 5th December.


A physiotherapist has been given a 12 month caution for encouraging a 

patient to fire an air pistol at a sundial.


The Health Professional Council panel also heard that Stephen Sterling, 

of Sunderland, told the serious head injury patient to demolish a wall.


Panel members said allowing a person who had suffered neurological 

damage in a road accident to fire a pistol amounted to misconduct


Mr. Sterling admitted he now realized he had "stepped over the mark".




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