
2009/12/7 Peter Tandy <p.ta...@nhm.ac.uk>

>  Tony,
> Most Curious!
> Why would a (presumably sane) physiotherapist suggest firing at a *sundial
> *? Was it a test to see if the 'gunman' could even find one! (How many are
> there in the Sunderland area?).  Surely there are easier targets to find
> than that? Do we know if he succeeded and what damage was done?

I assume the physiotherapist just tried to protect us sundial owners.
Better to shoot a sundial than a human beeing.

Aimo Niemi

>   I assume the suggestion of demolishing a wall wasn't by perforating it
> using the same pistol until it collapsed,.....
> I note he accepts he ‘stepped over the mark’ Wouldn’t it be more true to
> say he shot himself in the foot....????
> Regards
> Peter Tandy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de [mailto:sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de]
> On Behalf Of Tony Moss
> Sent: 05 December 2009 15:00
> To: Sundial Mailing List
> Subject: Troublesome things these sundials!
> This caught my attention amongst regular news items.
> Tony Moss.
> **********************
> BBC CEEFAX North East & Cumbria News  Saturday 5th December.
> A physiotherapist has been given a 12 month caution for encouraging a
> patient to fire an air pistol at a sundial.
> The Health Professional Council panel also heard that Stephen Sterling,
> of Sunderland, told the serious head injury patient to demolish a wall.
> Panel members said allowing a person who had suffered neurological
> damage in a road accident to fire a pistol amounted to misconduct
> Mr. Sterling admitted he now realized he had "stepped over the mark".
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