Peter Tandy probably echoes the astonishment of all of us that any sane person 
would suggest shooting at a sundial but there is at least one other example 
that I know of.  The otherwise excellent dial at Minster Abbey (on the Isle 
Sheppey in Kent, UK) is one. The poor image attached might just be small enough 
to get transmitted but it certainly shows the extensive damage. It must somehow 
be appealing in some way.  I can only think that it must be the sound of the 
hit that attracts these yobs. Hmmm, maybe it is the fact that the said 
physiotherapist has himself engaged in this practice that makes him suggest it 
to others.... Patrick

>Why would a (presumably sane) physiotherapist suggest firing at a sundial? Was 
>it a test to see if the 'gunman' could even find one! (How many are there in 
>the Sunderland area?).  Surely there are easier targets to find than that? Do 
>we know if he succeeded and what damage was done?<

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<<attachment: minster.jpg>>


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