Dear Tony, 

I can see you are tempted...

> Perhaps the 'staff of office' for the BSSCSS 
> Secretary should be a bespoke gun by Messrs.
> Holland & Holland...

I'll duly propose you as Secretary; all we need
is a seconder and the job's yours!  There will
probably be a bit of a quibble about the cost
of the staff of office but I am sure that
BSS members will see the merits of the idea.

At a minimum of £45k these things do seem a
trifle pricey but then some of the sundials
I have been involved with have worked out a
good deal more than that :-)

I had a look at:

   <  >

and some of the engraving is indeed truly
exquisite.  I am glad that there are still
people who can do this and even gladder that
there are people who will pay for it.

Maybe some H&H customers would like a nice
sundial, perhaps on the south wall of the
east wing?



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