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--- Begin Message ---
Dear Frank,

Your story about the blanket, won’t wash, if you will pardon the pun.

Moving of part of the blanket to the other end has altered the primary 
reference point in the carpet, the centreline (parallel to the cut end) has 
been displaced. You will appreciate the equivalence to meridian lines.

Secondly, I still await your explanation as to why DST was introduced in the 
first place, over a hundred years ago.

Regards, Doug

> On 31 Aug 2018, at 15:31, Frank King <f...@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear Steve,
> Your subject line is ambiguous...
>  EU backs ending Daylight Saving Time
> Does this mean:
>   A: The EU wants to give up DST?
> or:
>   B: The EU wants DST not to end?
> The report suggests the latter:
>  Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
>  said millions "believe that in future,
>  summer time should be year-round, and
>  that's what will happen".
> If you look at the Greenwich meridian
> you will see that it has a longer run
> through France than through the U.K.
> This suggests, to me(!), that both
> countries should be on GMT.
> As it happens, France was on GMT until
> the Germans inflicted Nazi time on them
> during the war and they have never
> switched back.
> In my book, France is already
> on Summer Time in Winter.  It is
> on Double Summer Time in Summer.
> OK, here is an anecdote...
> I stayed on an extra day after the
> NASS conference and, at breakfast
> on the Monday, I had a fascinating
> exchange with the friendly waitress
> who had served me for the better
> part of a week:
>  Waitress: were you with the
>  Shengal Group?
>  Me: Er, the what group?
>  W: Ah, how do you pronounce it?
>  The delegates who were in the
>  Forbes Room?
>  Me: Oh, that was the sundial
>  group.
>  W: Is that a branch of
>  Scientology?
>  Me: I know very little about
>  Scientology but I don't think
>  there were any Scientologists
>  in the Sundial group.
>  W: What did you discuss?
>  Me: [Using knife as a gnomon
>  and attempting to appear as
>  unthreatening as possible!]
>  You see this shadow on the
>  table?  Well you can watch
>  it move round and deduce the
>  time of day.
>  W: Ah.  It's to do with the
>  SUN then?
>  Me: Yes, you've got it!
>  W: What do you think of
>  Daylight Saving Time?
>  Me: [I recounted the story
>  of the Native American who
>  said "Only a white man could
>  believe that by cutting a
>  foot off one end of a blanket
>  and stitching it to the other
>  end you get a longer blanket.]
>  W: Gee.  I like that.  My
>  husband is a pilot and he
>  keeps telling everyone that
>  Daylight Saving Time is a
>  load of Bullshit.
>  Me: You have an admirable
>  husband.
> My guess is that, in the UK, about
> 60% of the population would feel
> they have come across the word
> "sundial" though most would think
> it was just a garden ornament:
> some kind of statue, or bird bath
> or even a garden gnomn!
> With this sample of one, I am
> minded to guess that the U.S.
> percentage is lower!
> We must all do our bit to educate
> the masses!
> Very best wishes
> Frank
> Frank H. King
> Cambridge, U.K.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

--- End Message ---

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