An annoying typing error
'real moon' must be 'real noon'

Willy Leenders

Op 31-aug-2018, om 20:01 heeft Willy Leenders het volgende geschreven:

> When commission president Jean-Claude Juncker gets right, the entire mainland 
> of Western Europe (except Portugal) gets throughout the whole year Daylight 
> Saving Time (the meaning of mainly the Germans because the other Europeans 
> hardly participated in the referendum which is not representative at all).
> Then in February in the western part of Spain (Santiago of Compostela) it 
> will be real rnoon (the sun in the south) almost at 3 o'clock p.m. clock 
> time. A mockery of the natural rhythm of life .
> Sundial experts could offer a counterweight to that idiocy, but many do the 
> opposite by designing sundials that do not indicate the true local time but 
> the unnatural clock time.
> Willy Leenders
> Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)
> Visit my website about the sundials in the province of Limburg (Flanders) 
> with a section 'worth knowing about sundials' (mostly in Dutch): 
> Op 31-aug-2018, om 16:31 heeft Frank King het volgende geschreven:
>> Dear Steve,
>> Your subject line is ambiguous...
>>  EU backs ending Daylight Saving Time
>> Does this mean:
>>   A: The EU wants to give up DST?
>> or:
>>   B: The EU wants DST not to end?
>> The report suggests the latter:
>>  Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
>>  said millions "believe that in future,
>>  summer time should be year-round, and
>>  that's what will happen".
>> If you look at the Greenwich meridian
>> you will see that it has a longer run
>> through France than through the U.K.
>> This suggests, to me(!), that both
>> countries should be on GMT.
>> As it happens, France was on GMT until
>> the Germans inflicted Nazi time on them
>> during the war and they have never
>> switched back.
>> In my book, France is already
>> on Summer Time in Winter.  It is
>> on Double Summer Time in Summer.
>> OK, here is an anecdote...
>> I stayed on an extra day after the
>> NASS conference and, at breakfast
>> on the Monday, I had a fascinating
>> exchange with the friendly waitress
>> who had served me for the better
>> part of a week:
>>  Waitress: were you with the
>>  Shengal Group?
>>  Me: Er, the what group?
>>  W: Ah, how do you pronounce it?
>>  The delegates who were in the
>>  Forbes Room?
>>  Me: Oh, that was the sundial
>>  group.
>>  W: Is that a branch of
>>  Scientology?
>>  Me: I know very little about
>>  Scientology but I don't think
>>  there were any Scientologists
>>  in the Sundial group.
>>  W: What did you discuss?
>>  Me: [Using knife as a gnomon
>>  and attempting to appear as
>>  unthreatening as possible!]
>>  You see this shadow on the
>>  table?  Well you can watch
>>  it move round and deduce the
>>  time of day.
>>  W: Ah.  It's to do with the
>>  SUN then?
>>  Me: Yes, you've got it!
>>  W: What do you think of
>>  Daylight Saving Time?
>>  Me: [I recounted the story
>>  of the Native American who
>>  said "Only a white man could
>>  believe that by cutting a
>>  foot off one end of a blanket
>>  and stitching it to the other
>>  end you get a longer blanket.]
>>  W: Gee.  I like that.  My
>>  husband is a pilot and he
>>  keeps telling everyone that
>>  Daylight Saving Time is a
>>  load of Bullshit.
>>  Me: You have an admirable
>>  husband.
>> My guess is that, in the UK, about
>> 60% of the population would feel
>> they have come across the word
>> "sundial" though most would think
>> it was just a garden ornament:
>> some kind of statue, or bird bath
>> or even a garden gnomn!
>> With this sample of one, I am
>> minded to guess that the U.S.
>> percentage is lower!
>> We must all do our bit to educate
>> the masses!
>> Very best wishes
>> Frank
>> Frank H. King
>> Cambridge, U.K.
>> ---------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------


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