Hi Frank--

Thanks for the thorough and complete explanation about conic-sections for
declination-lines for flat-dials.

Yes, but I want to be able to explain the actual numerical calculation of
the declination-lines to someone.  ...to explain the derivation of the
actual formulas for the hour-lines and declination-lines.

The Horizontal-Dial's hour-lines are easily and briefly explained, but I
don't know of as easy an explanation for its declination-lines.

I like what you said, but it would mean explaining 3-dimensional analytic
geometry to someone, if you wanted two tell them exactly how the
line-forumulas are derived.

...not that the other derivations are any easier.

But thanks for a remarkably clear, thorough and complete description and
explanation of the conic-section nature of the declination-lines for a

Equatorial Dials (disk, band, or cylinder) are of course the one whose hour
and declination-lines don't need explanation (well maybe a tiny bit for the
declination lines--but minimal).

Next is the Polar-Dial, and then maybe the Tube-Dial.  But a
Horizontal-Dial, while the most easily-built stationary-dial, has
difficultly-explained declination-lines, if you want to tell someone in
detail the derivation of the formulas.

If you don't use declination-lines, or are willing to not explain them,
then a Horizontal iBsut my favsorite is the Cylinder-Equatorial. . .

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 3:54 AM Frank King <f...@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Michael,
> You ask:
> > Is there an easy explanation/derivation for the solar-declination lines
> on a Horizontal-Dial?
> Yes.  Here is the thought process:
>  1. You start with a plane and a point (the point must not be in the
> plane)
>  2. Call the plane the 'dial plate' and call the point the 'nodus'.
>  3. Imagine a line drawn from the sun to the nodus.
>  4. Observe that, during a solar day, the line sweeps out a cone.  (The
> line is a generator.)
>  5. The extension of the line from the sun through the nodus sweeps out a
> mirror-cone.
>  6. The common vertex of both cones is the nodus.
>  7. The common axis of both cones is polar oriented.
>  8. The intersection of the mirror cone and the plane dial plate is a
> conic section.
>  9. This conic section is the required constant-declination line.
> At this stage, I have made no assumptions about the orientation of the
> dial plate or the solar declination but there is an implicit assumption
> that the plane and nodus are rigidly attached to the Earth.
> My nine points are best understood by considering some examples:
> EXAMPLE I – The dial plate is parallel to the Earth's equator and the
> nodus is on the north side.
> [This is an equatorial dial and applies with a horizontal dial at the
> north pole or a vertical direct-north-facing dial at the equator.]
> If the declination is positive, then the intersection of the mirror cone
> and the dial plate is a circle whose radius increases as the declination
> decreases.  This circle is the constant-declination line for the assumed
> declination.
> If the declination is zero, the cone and the mirror cone both degenerate
> into a disc which is parallel to the dial plate so there is no
> intersection. If the declination is negative, then the mirror cone is
> wholly on the north side of the dial plate and there is no intersection.
> EXAMPLE II – The dial plate makes an angle of 10° to the equatorial plane.
> The nodus is again on the north-side.
> [This case applies with a horizontal dial at 80°N or a vertical
> direct-north-facing dial at 10°N.]
> If the declination is greater than 10°, then the sun will always be on the
> north side of the dial plate and the intersection of the mirror cone and
> the dial plate is an ellipse.  This ellipse is the constant-declination
> line for the assumed declination.
> If the declination is 10°, the ellipse becomes a parabola.  If the
> declination is less than 10° (but greater than −10°) then the intersection
> is a hyperbola. If the declination is less than −10°, then the mirror cone
> is wholly on the north side of the dial plate and there is no intersection.
> EXAMPLE III – The dial plate makes an angle of greater than 23.4° to the
> equatorial plane.
> [In the northern hemisphere, this case applies with a horizontal dial
> outside the arctic regions and a vertical direct-north-facing dial north of
> the Tropic of Cancer.]
> Here, whatever the declination, both the cone and the mirror-cone
> intersect the dial plate and the intersection of the mirror cone and the
> dial plate is always a hyperbola.
> Whatever the orientation of the target plane there will be some location
> on the planet where this orientation is the local horizontal.  The
> declination lines, for that horizontal case, are precisely the declinations
> required for the target plane.
> Teaching geometry in schools seems to have gone out of fashion in most of
> the world.  In my day, we were taught how to calculate conic sections at
> 16 years old.
> Very best wishes
> Frank
> Frank King
> Cambridge, U.K.

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