Oh alright, here's the derivation by plane trig at the dial:
.First, of course this is what gives the natural and easily-explained
derivation for a Horizontal-Dial's hour-lines, and so I'll show that first:
I'll designate lines by the letter-names of their two endpoints.
When I state a sequence of three points' letter-names, I'm referring to the
angle that they define.
If I want to refer to the triangle that they define, then I'll precede them
with the word "triangle".
The following letters will stand for the following points:
N is the nodus.
P is the point where the shortest line from N, perpendicular to ON
intersects the ground.
E is the nodus's shadow at the equinox, at the hour of interest (h/15).
D is the nodus's shadow at the declination on the date of interest (dec) at
O is the origin and intersection of the hour-lines.
Say that, at N, on the polar axis ON, there is mounted a Disk-Equatorial
NP, that dial's noon-line, has a length of OP sin lat. If that dial's
hour-line for hour h/15 is extended to the ground, it extends to E.

PE = NP tan h = OP sin lat tan h.
PE/OP = tan POE (the angle on the dial for the hour-line for hour h/15).
That straighforwardly demonstrates the construction of an hour-line of a
Horizontal-Dial, based on a disk-equatorial dial.
Now, for the position of D:
Regarding the triangle NEO:
OE can be gotten as OP/cos POE.
...or as sqr( OP^2 + PE^2).
NEO = asin(ON/OE).
...or, if you prefer, = acos(NE/OE)
...or ATAN(ON/NE)
NED = 180 - NEO, because D and O are points on the same line, on opposite
sides of E.
So you have NE, NED, and END (the declination, a given quantity).
So you have ASA (angle-side-angle)
So you can solve triangle NDE for DE, by the Law of Sines.
So, measure distance DE, along the hour-line for h, to mark the point on
the declination-line for the date of interest.
But I'd rather give the Horizontal-Dial declination-line derivation that
uses the Sun's altitude. It seems to me that the orrery derivation of the
altitude-formula is easier and clearer to explain than the above
trig-at-the-dial derivation for a point on the declination-line.
...and that someone who'd like a derivation for the Horizontal-Dial's
declination-lines, is going to later more likely have use or need for
altitude (or terrestrial-distance) or azimuth calculations, than for other
trig problems or other 3-dimensional analytic-geometry problems.
47 Su
November 17th
2140 UTC
Michael Ossipoff

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