As you described, a Horizontal-Dials' (or any Flat-Dial's)
declination-lines can be constructed, by 3-dimensional analytic geometry,
as the intersection of a cone with a plane.
Here's another way:
1. For a particular day, and at an hour shown on the dial, calclate the
Sun's altitude.
2. From that altitude can be calculated the nodus-shadow's distance of the
nodus's shadow from the sub-nodus point. dividing the height of the
nodus by the tangent of the Sun's altitude.
3. Measuring from the sub-nodus point, mark the point on that hour's
hour-line at the above-calculated distance.
But maybe you'd rather just measure the distance from the hour-lines'
intersection-point. In that case:
1. Calculate both the Sun's altitude and azimuth at a particular date and
2. As above, from that altitude can be calculated the nodus-shadow's
distance from the sub-nodus point. That and the azimuth give you polar
co-ordinates of the nodus-shadow with respect to the sub-nodus point.
3. Convert the polar co-ordinates to rectangular co-ordinates with respect
to the sub-noduc point.
4. Add to the north-south co-ordinate the distance between the sub-nodus
point and the hour-lines' intersection point.  Then you have the
rectangular co-ordinates of the nodus-shadow with respect to the
hour-lines' intersection point.
5. Convert the rectangular co-ordinates to polar co-ordinates, and mark the
appropriate hour-line at the distance in those polar co-ordinates.
Or, alternatively:
4. Divide the east-west co-ordinate by the north-south co-ordinate.
5. Multiply that result by the distance between the sub-nodus point and the
north edge of the dial or the construction-page. Mark that distance along
that north-edge, from the dial's north-south axis.
6. From the rectangular-co-ordinates, calculate the nodus-shadow's distance
from the sub-nodus point. Measure that distance along the line to the point
that you marked on the north-edge.
So, there's the analytical-geometry solution that you described, and these
various ways of doing it via calculation of the Sun's altitude, and maybe
And those aren't the only derivations either.
Of all the derivations that I'm aware of, I prefer the altitude or altitude
& azimuth, approach, because those calculations are of interest and use for
various other matters, for sundials and all sorts of things.
47 Su
November 17th
1830 UTC
Michael Ossipoff

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