Peter Anton wrote:
I rushed into ver.2 without unistalling ver.1.18 or learning about any
installation procedures or command line parameters and royally screwed
things up. I had to reinstall WinXP because of disk file errors. I
routinely reinstall XP anyway so it wasn't a super big deal, but I lost
all my address book entries and bookmarks and had to redownload months
of emails from the server. Now I'm using ver.2 and am not happy with all
the bugs. Not sure whether to stick with Seamonkey or shift over to
Firefox or Opera and Thunderbird. For the moment I'm just hanging in
there on the hope that SM2 will eventually even out. And that's assuming
that it will be supported adequately by most websites.

I'd be glad to hear what others are planning to do in this uncertain

Mark Hansen wrote:

> SeaMonkey will make sure no other instances are running, to make
> sure you don't hurt yourself. However, you can run SM 2.X while
> an instance of SM 1.1.X is running, by passing a special command-line
> parameter - which I'm drawing a blank on at the moment. Perhaps
> someone else will chime-in and provide it. It's something like
> (I think).
Close, it's "-no-remote" (only one leading minus) actually.;-)

I had some trouble getting from 18 but since I go thing straightened oit with v2, I have done each update and am now running 2.0.3 with no problems.

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