Phillip Jones wrote:
>Page designers that design pages for w3c [compliance]
>should add a notation.
>/This website was written to World Wide Web Consortium Standards
>and should show properly on the vast Major of Web browsers
There's even a tag for that.
Put this in an HTML file and view that with IE, then Gecko:
<!--[if IE]><br>
Only Internet Exploder can see this text.<br>

>/If not please contact the creator of the browser that does not,
>and please tell them you will discontinue use of
>[their] product until [it] meets specifications/.
...or simply:
This site best viewed with a standards-compliant browser.
When combined with the tag shown above
and using large red text, it grabs the attention.
Using the flash tag would put the icing on the cake.

>The funny thing about w3c is MS is one of the Signatories of W3C
It's easier to do damage when you're one of the Fifth Column
than when you're an overtly declared enemy:,_extend_and_extinguish
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