Phillip Jones wrote:
Terry R. wrote:
On 3/28/2010 6:17 PM On a whim, Beauregard T. Shagnasty pounded out on
the keyboard

Terry R. wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Terry R. wrote:


and I believe he overstated the numbers quite a bit. Maybe if the
email was sent as PT& HTML using Word, but not just HTML, and not
the error count either.

Ewww. Word, as the editor for OE, does a *terrible* job of HTML.

Couldn't agree more.

Terry R.

In DreamWeaver they is even a menu item for "Fix Word HTML" :-)

Many moon's ago, I heard that Dreamweaver produced poor HTML, too, so is there a menu item for "Fix Dreamweaver HTML"??

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