Dick Hoffman wrote:
I'm using SM 2.0.4 on a Windows XP-SP3 system. I have no extensions installed. When trying to view the video at the site
the site loads so far and then stops with either "Done" or "Read www.nbc.com" at the bottom left of the screen. The video does not play although the peacock's tail changes colors from time to time. I looked at "about:plugins" and it says I have version 10.0 r45 of the Adobe Flash Player installed and a Windows Explore search shows I have only one copy of NPSWF32.dll on the system. IE 8 has no problem playing the video. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm on WinXP Pro-SP3, but SM1.1.19 with MultiZilla, IETab and a couple of mail plugins installed, Classic Theme. This page doesn't get past the peacock symbol for me, either. Not even when I choose to view it in an IE tab (IE 8 is installed, only used in situations like this.) I tried one or two other clips at random, and none play.

Checking the page code thru W3C Validator, it comes up with >400 errrors and >300 warnings about the state of the code. That's not good.

A page can render in IE and not SeaMonkey (or even FireFox) because it was written that way. Probably not intentionally, but since a lot of tools cater to bells & whistles that aren't W3C-standards compliant, other browser rendering engines sometimes can't make sense of what the tools produce.

Complain to the webmaster and see what they say.  It's them, not you.
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