I had similiar problem when updated to Seamonkey 2.0.12.
I got locked out from using Browser and email.
So I reloaded seamonkey and problem was NOT solved.
Called my provider for tech support and luckily he knew something about 
seamonkeyh.  Three hours but no luck.
I finally decided that my older versions of Netscape (7.2) and firfox where the 
culprit, so removed all programs that were Mozilla related .
Then did an explorer file search on "Mozzila" and deleted all files related to 
that EXCEPT my Mail folders. Moved them to different location. I also use the 
"Local" fike options which has about 25000 message back to 1997 mostly 
genealogical research stuff. Also looked in C: for mozilla and deleted them 
folder by folder.
I was convinced I had the problem solved.
Guess what, reloaded the seamonkey 12 and same old problem. I then was 
convinced I had register files causing the problem and I did a internet search 
on "Seamonkey + Register + Problems"  and found this forum.
Your problem with antivirus Avast sure seemed similiar to my problem.
I use BitDefender2009.  Looked in filewall and found Seamonkey.  Upon 
examination, the path shown for it was different than where I loaded 
seakmonkey.  So deleted that one reference
Thanks for this forum

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