WLS wrote:
cyberzen wrote:
WLS a écrit :
William DeCoster wrote:
Please relay to the seamonkey people. Composer: click on a graphic it
duplicates and jumps up to another location, (annoying). The graphic
does delete ok, Never an issue before this release. Other annoying
"Features" Pop Up anouncements and compress email folder
announcements. Please, dump this stuff, I can't believe anyone would
want it.

The SeaMonkey people are to my knowledge not doing any development of
Composer and IMHO think it should be removed from the suite.

I hope this proposal to remove it could not be done without a vote and
mine would be "NO !"
after all if you don't like it, do not look at it, but leave it alone !

It is not that I don't like it. If it was a GOOD WYSIWYG web editor I
might even use it.

However the development of the web has moved on to HTML, CSS and
JavaScript, which Composer as it stands today does not handle properly
in the current version. All I see it capable of is HTML.

Can you create separate CSS stylesheets with it? All I see is inline
styling for each element when I try and help someone who complains their
page doesn't look right in a certain browser, but looks fine in another
with pages designed with Composer.

Does it handle HTML5? How do I change the default HTML 4.01 Transitional
DOCTYPE it always inserts if I want to create a XHTML Strict site?

Keep it for email, hide the icon, disable Ctrl+4 and the Window menu
item until such time it is compatible with the changes in web design.

I'll stick with hand coding in a text editor or use Aptana Studio.


I've never used it for web pages. But most of it is used in the Background for HTML Mail. There are some here that would cheer that. But HTML is a Fact of Life. and Those that are stuck on text only is getting behind the times fast.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net        mailto:pjon...@kimbanet.com
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