Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
So far, SM 2.1 has generated the largest number of problems/user
complaints I've ever read here regarding any version/release...and it's
only been a week or so.

Then you haven't been around much. I actually think the amount is pretty
low compared to 2.0 ;-)

I still think there should be a button (or popup, whatever) on version issues which lets the user try anyway. Would be vastly better than having to go through about:config diddling totally undocumented flags to get SM to even try to install something.

As my old racing partner used to say, "If it blows, it blows, I ain't afraid of it." R.I.P. Fat John.

Bill Davidsen <>
  We are not out of the woods yet, but we know the direction and have
taken the first step. The steps are many, but finite in number, and if
we persevere we will reach our destination.  -me, 2010

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