Michael Gordon wrote:
Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 6/12/2011 6:42 PM, WLS wrote:
Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 6/12/2011 3:46 PM, WLS wrote:
The SeaMonkey people are to my knowledge not doing any development of
Composer and IMHO think it should be removed from the suite.

You are part right, there has not been much work on Composer from the
SeaMonkey team.

This is however not to be construed as a desire to rid ourselves of it,
just a "too much to do, too little time" issue. We wish to keep it, and
in fact, wish to improve it.

I'm aware of the "too much to do, too little time" issue.

If as Phillip says it is used to compose HTML mail then I guess it has
to stay. Too bad it can't be hidden so it can't be used for web design.

I take it Thunderbird uses it for HTML mail also?

Well "it" is complicated a bit.

The basic engine is even used in Firefox for "designMode". A slightly
feature-added bits is used in SeaMonkey and Thunderbird for HTML Mail.

The largest specific SeaMonkey features are the UI we bring, and the
more "advanced" editing capabilities (sort of laughable given its dated

But yea, there is layers to the code, and not much of us have the time
to do devote to that side of it atm. We do try hard to ensure that it
doesn't break though. [but without having much in the face of automated
tests for *our* uses of it, that itself can be harder.]


Has any thought about porting back Komposer?

Way back when Composer was exported to a separate web page composing
application, then when no work was being done to correct several errors
it was picked up by Komposer as a stand alone WYSIWYG HTML editing

Not worth the effort. All of Composer's spin-off tries aren't any better than the Composer included in SeaMonkey as far as producing valid and sensible HTML. Not to mention handling CSS in any useful fashion.

It (an HTML generator) may have been a nice idea back around Netscape 1.0 but it hasn't much improved since. And it isn't needed anymore for creation of novice Web pages; every ISP provides a Web-based solution for novices.

Try running a Composer (or Komposer) generated page/site through the W3C HTML Validator <http://validator.w3.org/>.

If SeaMonkey devs devote any effort to Composer it ought to be to strip out whatever functionality is needed for mailnews etc. and erase any other remnants of Composer for good. WYSIWYG has never worked well as far as Web development is concerned. And that's not just a comment on Composer, I intend it for every other product out there, even ones costing several hundred dollars. Yes, some are much better than others. But there's no subsitute for a (knowledgeable) brain when writing HTML and CSS.

Ed Mullen
I thought about how mothers feed their babies with little tiny spoons and forks so I wonder what Chinese mothers use. Toothpicks?
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