WLS wrote:

> Sorry to burst your bubble, but I want SeaMonkey to do what
> all modern browsers are starting to do, such as HTML5, CSS3,
> 3D, Web video without Flash support and more.

As Jens Hatlak so correctly observed, there may well be sound
/technical/ reasons for wanting to make changes to Seamonkey :

> I think the point Robert was trying to make was not so much
> that we wanted to match other browsers there but to support
> an open standard for search engines (OpenSearch) that is widely
> used and has superseded the older one (Sherlock). This is also
> reflected on search engine selection sites such as addons.mozilla.org
> and mycroft.mozdev.org. Before version 2.1, SeaMonkey prevented users
> from using most of the alternatives listed there.

I would certainly concur w.r.t. CSS3, 'though for reasons that
are not relevant here, I am far less concerned about the other
desiderata that you mention.  This is rather different to simply
slavishly emulating (or anticipating) what "the competition" are
already doing or are about to do.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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