On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 11:00:38 -0700, "David E. Ross" <nobody@nowhere.invalid>

>My wife an I both use Windows XP SP3.  We both have SeaMonkey 2.3.3
>marked as our default browsers.
>On my PC, Web shortcuts on my desktop and in folders have the blue
>SeaMonkey icon.  On my wife's PC, the same shortcuts have the IE icon.
>We both have SeaMonkey as our default browser.  I have repeatedly tried
>to set the SeaMonkey icon for the shortcuts on my wife's PC, but that
>does not stick more than 1-2 seconds.
>Can anyone suggest how to make the SeaMonkey icon stick on my wife's PC
>for Web shortcuts?

Try changing her icon from the one in SeaMonkey.exe.  Browse to SeaMonkey,
Chrome, Icons, Default, and select one from there. Might work.

E:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\chrome\icons\default\main-window.ico

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