"Chris Ilias" <n...@ilias.ca> wrote in message 
> On 12-04-02 5:45 AM, Desiree wrote:
>> I just get a blank page when going to your site both in Fx 10 Enterprise 
>> and
>> SM 2.6.1 on two different computers both running XP Pro. Mozilla in its
>> "wisdom" saw fit to blacklist my video driver which does HTML5 just fine 
>> on
>> Opera and had passed all Mozilla tests for HTML5 until Mozilla decided to
>> blacklist it and then, of course, the HTML5 tests no longer worked. I 
>> have
>> zero interest in updating my video driver. I like the version I use and 
>> have
>> specific reasons for why I use this version of nVidia nForce driver.  I
>> would never have blamed Mozilla if my video driver caused Fx or SM to 
>> crash
>> so I don't think Mozilla should arbitrarily placed video drivers older 
>> than
>> the date they chose on a black list as some very old drivers work fine 
>> with
>> HTML5 yet Mozilla put them on the black list. (I didn't blame Mozilla 
>> when
>> Fx4 was crashing constantly a year ago and it turned out to be nVidia's
>> nView that I love greatly but I had to disable it forever if I wanted to 
>> use
>> Fx4 and above. I lost 50% of the functionality of my video card just to 
>> be
>> able to use Fx4 but I didn't blame Mozilla so I certainly would not have
>> blamed Mozilla if my video driver had problems with HTML5 on Fx or SM. 
>> Thus,
>> I don't think Mozilla should have placed any video card driver versions 
>> on a
>> black list.
>> So, I can't use your help site unless I use Opera there which sort of
>> defeats the purpose. When I get a new computer (waiting for OEMs to get 
>> Ivy
>> Bridge processors) I guess the issue will be moot on the new computer. I
>> think it is a shame you chose to make video only as I can't learn that 
>> way.
>> I am a reader not a movie watcher. I want a help site to have text and
>> screenshots. I rarely use Flash Player and don't even have it installed
>> except on IE for my ISP's speed test but otherwise I don't want FP and 
>> HTML5
>> is probably going to be even worse than FP as far as never ending 
>> security
>> issues go and privacy invasion for the user so I disagree strongly with 
>> your
>> decision to make your help site HTML5 dependent.
> Whoa! You're making incorrect assumptions based on incorrect assumptions. 
> So let's back up a bit, explain what driver blacklisting is, and figure 
> out the /real/ reason you can't access HTML5 sites.
> _What does graphics driver blacklisting do_
> SeaMonkey (as well as some plugins) have a feature called hardware 
> acceleration, in which your graphics processor is used for drawing 
> operations. There's also a web standard called WebGL, in javascript is 
> used to render 3d graphics in web browsers. If your graphics driver is 
> known to cause problems with hardware acceleration or webgl, SeaMonkey 
> will disable hardware acceleration and webgl on your installation.

I stand corrected. I hate getting older. I forget pieces of things way more 
easily than when I was younger. I had forgotten about WebGL. I had to go 
read my own posts about it again in a Mozilla forum. Now I remember my video 
driver is supposed to have problems with hardware acceleration but I took 
the Mozilla test many times on Fx4, Opera 10.6 and Iron before Mozilla 
blocked my video driver and scored 60+FPS on Fx4. 

I don't recall if I tested on SM. I think back then I still had a really old 
version of SM and was enamoured with Fx4 which I had recently upgraded to 
from Fx 1.5 but Opera was still my default browser then and had been for two 
years (now Fx 4 on my host and Fx10 Enterprise on a virtual machine are my 
default browsers and I upgraded SM six months or so ago and use it quite a 
bit also and use Opera less as I am not crazy about Opera 11x. I was able to 
watch WebM video on Opera long before Fx ever offered it.
> Neither of those are part of HTML5.
> _What are the affects of using a driver that is on the blacklist_
> The drawback to a blocked graphics driver is that webpage performance will 
> not be as fast. You will still be able to access the same websites.
> _Is Flash needed to watch the screencasts_
> No. HTML5 video does not require any plugin. HTML5 does not have LSOs 
> (Flash cookies).
> _What reasons could be for a blank page at seamonkey.ilias.ca_
> Maybe it's because the search box uses an iframe? If you go to a page that 
> doesn't have a search box, like <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/installing/>, 
> do you still get a blank page?

The above page is fine.  I also am not getting a blank page now at 
seamonkey.ilias.ca. Your site though is very inconsistent for me. For 
instance, in the column on the left, if I click on any question under FAQ 
Browser, I get a screenshot that says Welcome to SeaMonkey and nothing else. 
I get the same screenshot on ALL questions under Browser. Under FAQ 
Profiles, I get text only answers, no screenshots. Under FAQ General, I get 
a different screenshot that says Welcome to SM Mail and Newsgroups on every 
question. But under Documentation, Upgrading I actually get useful 
screenshots and text. I have not checked every page on your site but you get 
the idea.

r reasons you have for not updating your graphics driver, it
> something you should do. You can find instuctions at 
> <http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-upgrade-my-graphics-drivers>

No. nVidia never makes drivers past about one year after you buy the card 
that will enhance anything for your card. After about two years, you would 
be crazy to attempt a driver upgrade. I have an nVidia mobo also and nVidia 
really left us high and dry there too. For me, there is a third reason I 
stopped upgrading the driver six months after I got this computer 
(ordinarily I would have done the upgrades for the first year and maybe the 
second year and then stopped). But in this case I was forced to stop after 
six months because nVidia at that time announced they were going to force 
upgrade to the new nVidia display panel from the classic display panel all 
of us had used ever since we could remember.

I tried the new display panel and it was HORRIBLE. 50% of the options on my 
video card were missing entirely from the new panel and it was extremely 
slow to use on XP. It was designed for Vista. We had a marathon thread 
(about 1000 posts last time I checked) at nVidia forums that continued for 
years protesting nVidia's decision to force those of us still using the 
classic panel to upgrade to the new panel even those of us on XP where the 
new display panel works horribly. nVidia responses were infuriating and they 
didn't care that 50% of our options were missing in the new panel including 
the main option that was why I chose nVidia card over ATI in the first 
place. So, many of us simply stopped upgrading the driver with the last 
driver nVidia allowed to use classic nVidia panel and we begged for several 
years for nVidia to reinstate the classic panel as a choice. Finally, I read 
recently, that after several years nVidia reinstated all the missing options 
in the new Vista panel, but even then I will not use that awful panel on my 
XP computer so I will not be upgrading my video driver. I am still so angry 
at nVidia for treating us this way that I am seriously considering an ATI 
card for my upcoming computer although I don't like ATI cards.
> -- 
> Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
> Newsgroup moderator 

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