On 12-04-04 7:05 AM, Desiree wrote:
"Chris Ilias"<n...@ilias.ca>  wrote in message
There should be a play icon embedded over top of the image. If you click
on the image, the screencast should start. Does the play icon not appear?
If it doesn't appear, does clicking on the image still start the

To get it to start, I have to click on the tiny icon in the bottom left
corner of the screen. That is obscured until I mouse over it and way to
small to see what those icons stand for. But when I figured out how to do
it, it worked fine.

The controls are actually provided by your browser (in this case, SeaMonkey). The next planned release of SeaMonkey (for later this month) actually has changes that greatly improve HTML video controls.
"HTML5 videos that do not start automatically show a large play button now."

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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