Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
BIll Spikowski wrote:

By "this setting" -- I meant the setting in the subject line of this
thread, "Only check for new mail after opening Mail& Newsgroups,"
which is found as described on the first line of my message. It's a
global setting for all accounts.

The three settings you listed above are for each INDIVIDUAL email
account. I always keep all three checked for all accounts, because
that's the normal behavior I want for my email during my regular
working day.

My only problem occurs when I leave my office and for some reason need
to leave a SM browser window open; in that case, I've closed the SM
mail window because I do not want email downloaded from the server
when I'm out of the office (I need to monitor it on my Blackberry or
on my laptop or at home). It seems that the setting in the subject
line of this thread was created for people in my exact situation, if
I'm understanding it correctly. If I could make it work, I'd be even
more deliriously happy with Seamonkey!

Apparently, this setting behaves the same way as the three others I
described -- changes require a program restart before they take effect.
So if you've had the mail/news window open and you close it while
leaving the browser open, that doesn't count and SM happily goes on
checking mail. If you want only the browser open with no mail check, you
have to launch only the browser. If a mail/news window is already open,
you have to close the entire program and launch only the browser.

At least that's my theory for the moment.

My theory is the stuck process mentioned in the first post.

I just tested it 3 times. The last time with check for mail every one minute as the setting. Waited 5 minutes, and the email test didn't download until I opened the Mail window.


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